Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time for spa?

This is my first attempt to join Pink Saturday.

I have so many pink stuff in my cupboard so I thought it would make a good photography subject for pink saturday.

CC of lacenribbonroses is always so kind to teach me to lay a fabric as decoration/background for my subjects. Thank you CC. Psst....underneath is an ugly old
Now does the mini tub and the soap and toiletries remind you that it is time to go for a spa. :)
For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Sky Watch-Dark Clouds

These photos were taken last week. Weather like these are so common end of the year. It is the raining season. So we need to plan our outdoor activities carefully, if it rains then we proceed to Plan B outing. :)

You can guess what happen after the dark clouds over take the entire area. Yes, very heavy downpour.

For other sky watchers, you can go to Skywatch blog.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Who lived in this little shell?

Continued from yesterday post, who lived in the shell?

No matter how we tried to coax the mysterious creature out, it does not show itself. So my brother told us to place the shell back in the sea water on the rock and it would appear by itself.

True enough the little guy decided to come out, it was a hermit crab.....:) Watch the short video how it crawl away from the rock.

My niece and nephews were so excited by our find and of course I am also very excited...hehehe...did you see the kid in me?

For those who guess it is a snail, you could be tricked by the hermit crab cause the hermit crab always borrowed someone's shell when it outgrown its old "borrowed" shell. That shell on its back must be a borrowed shell from a

We decided to let it leave it alone and let the hermit crab returned to the sea.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sea creatures at the beach

My post for my world tuesday is about our beaches. Although Singapore is a shopping and food paradise, we too have beautiful nature around our little island too. You can view these beautiful natures in sea creatures blog, butterflies in Singapore, flowers in Singapore, and many more beautiful blogs with beautiful places of Singapore.

These rocks can be slippery so we need to be careful when we step on top of them. There are many little sea creatures hidden in these rocks.

On closer look, we found many snails in them.

There is this huge sea shell that I picked and gave to my little niece for her sea shell collection but my nephew pointed that someone lives in the

Just to keep you all in suspense, you need to return to find out who lived in

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Having fun at the beach

I love taking a stroll along the beach. This beach is just next to the Safra Bungalow Resort.

I now proclaimed this part of the beach to belongs to Alice....hehehe
Helping my little niece collecting these little sea shells.

We came across several such holes on the beach. I wondered who lives there. For more photos of the sea creatures, please visit tomorrow.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Fair 2008 at Compass Point

It is the time of the year again where we get to see many colourful and shinning lights and christmas decorations. I simply love this time of the year.

I took these photos of the christmas fair from the top floor of Compass Point Shopping Mall.

More more on christmas fair, hurry to Karen of A Scrapbook of Inspiration for more christmas joy and fun.

Friday, November 21, 2008


It is the end of the year where it is raining season again. I took these photos last week, it was scary to stand near the window when the lightning was strucking, I was afraid my camera would attract the lightning.

From a very dark black night to........

A stunning purple sky

Look on the left side where you could see the faint lightning which turn the dark black night to a purple sky......beautiful but scary when the thunder started to roar.

For other sky watchers, you can go to Skywatch blog.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Exposed this Thursday

Hahaha, saw this huge advertisement in Sengkang.

Hmmm...anyone got the answer? I do not know the answer cause I dont live in Sengkang.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort - (Part 7 Walking, Jogging and Cycling Track)

This is a walking, jogging and cycling track just behind the bungalow resort.
The track is part of the connector. One part of the path is for people walking, jogging and running while the other part is for cycling and skating.

Just to show you how big the painted foot looked as compared with my seven year old niece.

By 2015, National Parks hopes to construct 200km of park connectors - to date, half of that has been built. More will be added beyond 2015. National Parks' eventual goal is to create a connector network linking up the whole of Singapore. We could cycle from changi to east coast, etc.

Map taken from National Park website.
Isn't this wonderful, to have friends cycling and skating side by side.
A short video showing how popular the connector is with both local and foreigners.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chilli Crab

After reading Photocache's crab season, I decided to post Singapore famous signature dish, the chilli crab- yummy.

Singapore is a shopping and food paradise, you can find yummy delicious and affordable food in this little island.

I would really recommend you to try the chilli crab, it is not spicy despite the word "Chilli". Now I think many would hate me for posting this photo, it makes them drools....hehehe.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world

Eldest Son's 21st Birthday Party at Resort

One of the reason we decided to rent the bungalow was to celebrate my eldest son's 21st birthday party.

So sweet of my sisters, brother and brothers in law in helping me decorate the hall with banners and balloons. Did you noticed the extra 'P' missing from the word

You could view the buffet food in my food blog.

Monday, November 17, 2008

24th wedding anniversary

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. So this nice video is for my husband. The funny part of the song was the part about letting you hold the remote control. :) Hope the sky clear cause hubby bringing me out to dinner, sorry sons, you have to settle your own dinner.

I wanna make you smile
Whenever you're sad
Carry you around
When your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is
Grow old with you.
I'll get you medicine
When your tummy aches
Build you a fire
When the furnace breaks
It could be so nice
Growing old with you.
I'll miss you
I'll kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let you hold the remote control
Let me do the dishesIn our kitchen sink
Put you to bed
When you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who
Grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 6-BBQ)

BBQ is a must when staying over at the resort. Good thing, it wasn't raining. We had BBQ over three For more photos of the BBQ food, you can pop over to my food blog.

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 5-Facilities)

When getting bored in the bungalow, we could choose to use the karaoke, games arcade or even bowling.

Of course we need to pay to use these facilities. And the teenagers had fun playing at the bowling alley.
Children could play in the playground.

There's even a basketball court behind this bicycle kiosk. These bicycles are for rental.

For country club members and guests could go golfing too. The golf course is just next to the bungalows.
Facilities are only for members and guests. But I think public can use the swimming pool and eat at The Deck (Coffee House) and Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 4-Skywatch-Aeroplanes)

Our stay at the bungalow was fun and enjoyable. The only complaint was that the resort was so near to our busy changi airport that every now and then we could see aeroplanes about to land and depart. The noises from the planes could be irritating too but sometimes we were enjoying ourselves so much that we took no notice of the planes and the
The kids were so fascinated by the huge commercial planes that they started to identify the different airlines. It is not everyday that they get to see the planes so up close and so many of them too.

A very short video of a plane coming to land at the airport runway. The ships could be seen in the sea too. So a little island called Singapore is so busy with all these planes and ships to make it a wealthy island. So we shouldn't complain at all if we want good economy for our country. :)
For other sky watchers, you can go to Skywatch blog.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 3- Swimming Pool)

The resort comes with nice swimming pools for both adults and children.
The newly renovated swimming pool with jacuzzi facilities.
Took this photo of the swimming pool in the early morning when the pool was closed to swimmers.

This is my little niece (seven years old) swimming in the children pool.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 2-Inside the bungalow)

The resort had recently undergo a major renovation. They listen to feedback and make the bungalow resort more cozy for holiday makers.

They changed the entire furniture with brand new sofa and even the TV and DVD players are new.

The dining area .

The newly renovated open concept kitchen. They comes with fridge, freezer, microwave and now they allowed holiday makers to cook on the electric stove.

Even the BBQ pit is newly built to allow us to BBQ on one side while the other end of the pit allowed us to put our food. They are even thoughtful to add a tap/basin near the BBQ pit. I like this new arrangement.

Upstairs are two bedroom with two twin beds each.

I enjoyed and like the new bungalow concept, it made our stay in the resort very cozy and happy.