This is a 33 metre Buddha Statue in Dongwasha Temple in Daegu,South Korea. It was raining that day and the whole place was so cold and misty. It made the whole atmosphere quite eerie. The buddha looked like it was crying because of the rainfall. I was so cold while trying to take a snapshot of the buddha and my hands felt so icy cold.

I have a little quiz for you folks. Look at the round circle on the buddha. Can you guess what that object under the buddha's left hand is? (Click on the photo to enlarge.) The quiz was asked by the korean tour guide for us to guess but none of us got it correct. So I now set this quiz to my fellow bloggers and see who can guess it right. Sorry no prize for the correct answer, this is just for fun.
This is an enlarged version. Try to guess what that round thing under the left hand is.
ANSWER will be revealed on sunday. Have fun.
one of those lucky coins, with a hole in the middle?! or a birds' nest?! no clue...
is it a magic mushroom?
I have a lot of guesses, but they all would probably be insulting. I will have to wait to find out on Sunday.
I try: video surveillance camera.
Is it a clock? Or a bird nest?
I am going with security camera.
I love the statue, it is huge.
I couldn't wait until Sunday so I searched what it is =) One Korean blog had an answer. And there is a correct answer among the comments, too! Anyway, that's very interesting quiz.
you are right, the buddah looks like he's crying indeed!! great shot! is that a button? or a donut?? :^P ok i give up!
Maybe a security camera ...
Thanks for participating in the quiz. Sorry no clue, cause I do not know how to give clue, I would probably ended up giving out the answer...lol.
Zak, your answer is similar to my sister but that is not the correct answer.
Jungmin, my answer is based on the Korean tour guide's answer and comments and so the correct answer is not out yet but some of the comments/answers are close enough.
Keep guessing. :)
I would say a clock or a mini camera.
Wow! South Korea. I really like that place. Thanks for informing me.
Hmm... I do not know or can I make up what is it, but after reading some of the comments, I think the answer will be really interesting. OK, heres's my really bold answers...
(1) It could be a donut or some snack, that the Buddha is keeping (or hiding) for after prayer snack;
(2) a string of coins to symbolize wealth and prosperity.
(3) a mini bag
(4) a hole created so that someone could climb inside the statue to peep at people who are visiting it or doing their prayers. :P
My thoughts may sound nonsense. No hard feelings. It was just for the fun of it. :P :)
Thank you for visiting my blog Alice. :) I was really busy over work again.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
I think it might be a webcam; it would be a good view from there.
You lucky girl! Glad you had a fab time in South Korea.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. Have a great weekend!
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
Thank you to all for participating in the quiz. The answer is out. Look at my Sunday post. :)
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