Tuesday, February 5, 2008


As the year of the rat begins, here wishing all Good Luck, Good Health and Good Fortune for the years to come.

I will be absent from blogging but will be back blogging after Chinese New Year.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I have been tagged

I have been tagged by Clarice, CC of lacenribbonroses ,JC of Subang Jaya and Lara of Romania and have to provide five or six facts about myself and then tag five others who will all link back to the person who tagged them.

Not an easy job but I think I do the easy way out and tag all those who are on my link on the right hand side of the blog and those who wish to be tag to write five facts about themselves in their blog. I think it will be interesting to reveal a little of yourself.

Five facts about me:
1. I love travelling and taking lots of photos.
2. Love collecting unique things like this cocktail stirrer from Jarkata. This is my favourite collection of cocktail stirrers (hmmm...maybe I can write a post on these stirrers)
3. I am slightly older than my country..hahaha....(Clue: My country is 43 this year.)
4. I loved durians .....the king of fruit.
5. A very curious, fun loving and friendly person.
Now , that is hard to write about myself and hard to decide who to tag...hehehe....now over to those who wish to be tag, please write 5 facts about yourself.
P.S. Here is my post on cocktail stirrers.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sri Marriamman temple in Chinatown

Sri Marriamman temple is Singapore's oldest Hindu temple dated back to 1827. The gopuram or the tower over the entrance of the temple is covered with figurative sculptures of gods and goddesses and mythological beasts, this tower is visible from afar so devotees can even say their prayers without stepping inside the temple. (Source: Uniquely Singapore).

These sculptures of gods are so lovely and well crafted.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Answer to Door Quiz

Yayyy, Gordon got the answer right and the answers given by the rest are very close too. Yes, the bells are for ringing...hahaha. Thank you for participating in the fun quiz.

The doors are part of a Hindu temple, Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple located in Chinatown . Gordon explained very well in his comments in my previous post.

At the door, devotees ask God to grant their requests by ringing the bells before entering. So that is the reason why the bells are there. They also purify themselves by washing their hands and feet, and sprinkling water on their heads. (Source: Uniquely Singapore)

I will post the pictures of the temple tomorrow. It will be very lovely and beautiful.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Saw this beautiful door. They are so different in that one row is without bells and another row with bells. Can you guess why the bells are there?

I will tell you in another post where this door is and why the bells are there, after you have fun answering the quiz. Sorry no prize for guessing right cause I am a poor blogger with no sponsors...hahaha.