Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time Out (Part 2)-Hippotours

Here is another post on hippobus. You can see my earlier post on the bus.

Students had a good time taking the hippobus round Singapore. Exam is out so the teachers brought the students out on the hippo for an excursion

There is another fun way for time out in my next post. :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time out (Part 1)-Magic Show

The mid year examinations for Singapore school children are over. One more week will be the month long school holidays for the kids.

So it is time to relax and de stress. Parents can bring the kids to Suntec City this weekend to watch some magic show at the atrium and some korean performance organised by Korean Tourism Board from 15th May to 21st May 2008.

The magician is so cute, he loved to swallow things. At first he was swallowing some big balloons and then he swallowed some fires...hahaha. I hope the kids are intelligent enough not to follow as the magician is well trained.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Find the aeroplane

I caught this on camera.

The sky was full of small clouds that looked like cotton wool. I have no idea what this type of clouds are known as. From this link , I think they are known as Cirrocumulus.

Now can you find the aeroplane among the clouds.

For more information on clouds, you can see this website.
Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's website.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fruits in season - Mangosteen

It is the middle of the year where the seasoned fruits are sighted in fruit stalls and supermarkets. One of my favourite would be the mangosteens. They dont looked pretty but the flesh in them are so juicy and sweet.

Closer look at the juicy flesh inside.

Studies have shown that phytoceuticals in Mangosteen (in some cases known to be its xanthones) have properties such as: anti-tumor (shrinks tumors), anti-leukemia, antifungal (critical for all cancer patients), antibacterial (to protect DNA), antioxidants (at least two dozen different kinds of xanthones are in the mangosteen fruit), antiproliferation, kills cancer cells and causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) for some types of cancer. (Source:
So start eating more mangosteen. :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


More photos on escalators. You can compare the escalators in these photos with my previous photo in my earlier post to see the big wheels that can be seen in the transparent panel of the escalators in the previous post.

Escalators at Causeway Point

Escalators at Vivo City.
Geez, I dont think I did a good job taking photos of them, they looked