Hope you can see a big bunch of banana up there.

This tree looked so unique with all the branches entwined.

I did not expect to see bamboo trees growing here too. It looked so beautiful. I love bamboo trees and remember my 1st home. I had tiles that have pictures of the bamboo, I think I will try to find the old photo of the tiles.

From afar I saw this beautiful tree (circled), it looked so strange and lovely. So I zoomed on it.

Close view of the tree.

Although Singapore is a tiny country and a cosmopolitan city, we still have a lot of rainforest in most corners of Singapore. I will try to feature more rainforest in my future post if only my legs are willing to walk...lol.

I do not think I want to get lost in the forest.
Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.

I do not think I want to get lost in the forest.
Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.
Alice, I'm following your nature walk..happy Tuesday!
I love these shots! Trees make such good subjects.
That's what's great with Singapore; balancing the wilds and the urbanization/modernization.
Great post; tired of walking yet?
Thanks for doing all the work! I enjoyed these views, to be sure.
Irene, I hope the post on Southern Ridge will be useful to you.
TR, yes, trees,plants and flowers are really very pleasant to the eyes.
PC, no I am not tired yet..hehehe. I guess majority of Singaporeans are well trained in walking because of all the walking in the malls..hehehe.
Sandy, thanks for dropping by.
Beautiful. That tree does look unique with all the branches entwined with umpteen number of times.
Your bus No. 11 is very good. Did you get a massage after all that walking?
I would love to have walked with you. I walked the zoo, and Sa, got too tired, so we took the new boat.
Rajesh, yes, I too find the tree very unique.
Ann, hehehe, the message is to train more by walking in more malls ..lol. My youngest son is supposed to bring me to the zoo but he is too busy working now. Ha! it used to be me bring him to the zoo now it is vice versa.
Bamboo and bananas - what a great walk!
Wonderful tropical rainforest and a lovely bunch of bananas.
Wonderful pictures of nature, we used to have 3 huge bamboo trees but had them chopped...scooping the dead leaves was a real chores. It was difficult, and the cost of removing them was triple the cost of buying them, but I do love them..one day I'll plant some outside the home. What a lovely walk..talking of which, I need to do more...:P
I love your wilderness walk and the banana trees and the bamboo. I bought three bunches of bamboo trees. A clumping type not tall. But all year, so far, they have not grown an inch. I guess they will begin to grow next year.
Thank you for stopping at my new blog, Pick a Peck of Pixels. I hope we can make history together there.
A gorgeous walkable world. So much for the photographer to see.
I like the tree with all of the branches growing around each other, I havent seen one before.
Hahaha, I was eyeing on the bananas too but they aren't ripe yet but I guess monkeys around the area would be the first to take note of it. So dont feed the monkeys while walking there, they know how to survive on their own. There are plenty of food for them.
Abraham Lincoln, you are welcome. You are a great photographer and have a nice blog too.
I was visiting the other fellow Singaporean's post ...miss Singapore NOW!! THanks for sharing :)
You are a great photographer,
such a nice green shots :)
My compliments ...
I have also bamboo in my garden, and also many palms , but no bananas ... LOL
Alice: It is wonderful to see all that is in the forest of your part of the world.
hi alice.
beautiful photos. i so love all the greens of the rainforest. so beautiful and tranquil.
and i am enjoying your walking tour(s).
thanks for sharing with us.
have a wonderful weekend.
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