Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pink Saturday

My pink contribution today will be old photos from my chinese new year 2009 photos.

This is a rickshaw on display in Tiong Bahru Shopping Mall earlier this year. We dont see these rickshaws in Singapore anymore cause they were replaced by better mode of transport. In old Singapore, rickshaw is one of the popular mode of transport. The rickshaw were imported from Shanghai, China during the 1880s.

Rickshaw had to be pulled by a man and running from place to place and the rickshaw puller must be very strong cause sometimes there were be two passengers in the back. Rickshaw was so popular that a station was built for them called Jinricksha Station. You can see a photo of the station which is no longer a rickshaw station that I posted here.

These cute mascots were part of the Chinese New Year's decoration in Parkway Shopping Mall to welcome the year of the Ox. I thought they looked like my piggy I like the pink ox. I used to made a paper mache piggy bank of a pink pig and I think I might make one again. :)
For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Skywatch-Lightning Strikes

Now this is so scary. I know I must not stand near the windows whenever there is thunder and lightning.

But the lightning was going on continously and very fierce and it was a very good opportunity to snap the I am very careful to have the window closed and standing away from the window, so I took this video through the glass panel of the window. I dont have to wait a long time to snap the lightning but am satisfied with this very short video of the lightning. But dont think I want to try another attempt to take photo of the lightning unless I am very far from it.

Screen shot of the lightning from the video.
You can see how huge and powerful the lightning was.

No wonder the poor merlion was hit by lightning the day before I took this video. (Article taken from local newspaper - Straits Times.)
This video was taken on 1st March 2009 around 3 plus in the afternoon.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vintage Car

I saw this vintage car at the carpark of changi museum. It looked so lovely.

It has a red license plate which indicate it is a weekend car. The Weekend Car Scheme allowed the owner of a car to drive it only during specified hours, mainly on weekends. The objective of this system was to allow Singaporeans, especially the lower income groups, to own cars without contributing to traffic congestion and also to those who only need to drive their cars only on weekends. (Source: infopedia )

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My World Tuesday - Sculpture Square

This is a methodist church known as Kampong Kapor Methodist Church at Middle Road. It has a long history and is one of the oldest church in Singapore and protected as a heritage building. It has since moved to a new location and this present church is part of the sculpture square.

The church was formerly known as "Malay Church" because they conduct their services in malay to cater to malay speaking christains. For more of its rich history you can view their offical website.

Love the beautiful windows of the church.

Around the church you can also see lots of sculptures.

For more information on the sculpture square you can view their official website .
Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Skywatch Friday-Star

Wow I managed to take a photo of a star. This star was so bright and big and using my inexpensive camera and zooming on it, I was surprised that the camera could take shot of the star.

This video was taken two days ago. You could see a quick flash of the lightning and the sound of thunder roaring so fiercely. It was raining so heavy. I was afraid to continue taking video cause it is not safe to be standing near the window. No chance of taking photos of lightning.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.