Showing posts with label Exhibition/Promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exhibition/Promotion. Show all posts

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Suntec City - Travel Fair

Singaporeans love to travel. Travel Fair is always crowded with people.

These people are booking for tours for the year end holidays.
This is just one of the in house travel fair organised by this travel agent. End of August, there will be a major travel fair where all the travel agents will participate and the crowd will be even bigger.
I normally will just get brochures only to see what travel offers they have. I will then check the prices and enquire about the tour in their travel office rather than queue at travel fair. I hate long queues and I normally dont book my travel so many months ahead. I always book only few weeks before for my travel. If it is a nearby country, I will book just a few days before hand.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

National Day Parade 2010 Road Show

I happen to come across the NDP 2010 Road Show in Bishan. At the road show, the public will get to:

■Learn new infocomm tools – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogs
■Get FREE printout of your favourite photo from that day from Snapfish
■Capture video with the latest flip video and see how easy it is to upload via flipshare
■Experience holding the Chinook in your hands with MXR technology

You can find out more about the roadshow from the official site.

Hubby is very surprised that I know about twitter, flickr, I told hubby that flickr is kinda of a photo sharing and is free for the first 200 photos and you got to pay if you want more space in flickr. My hubby was wondering what is twitter, is it a bird calling.... I have to explain to hubby about these IT tools, I think these road shows are educational to especially those older folks who are not familar with the new technology. I am old but very young at heart, that is why I know some of the IT tools featured there...hehehe.

The above looked like a lion and a tower. They are actually made up of many small post it notes where citizen can write their wishes for Singapore and they might win a prize in a lucky draw. And no I did not write anything cause I dont like my personal information on the board. I never like to join any contest in any exhibitions or road shows cause not sure where my personal information will end up.

Some of these new machines are joining in the mobile display and parade during National Day.

I need to take a photo of all these names of the defence vehicles.

I got a souvenir at the road show. It was a pin with the design of a chinook carrying the huge Singapore Flag. I got a video of the actual chinook carrying the flag. I will post them in later post.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Looney Tunes at Plaza Singapura

These photos taken during the June school holiday. I brought my niece for a movie and happen to know there's a show by Looney Tunes. Oh I love Bugs Bunny. I was so excited that I brought my niece to watch the show.

But I am wondering why I am more excited than niece about Bugs I guess I am still young at heart. this give me the excuse not to bring niece to Universal Studio Singapore in future...hahaha. Planning to go to Universal Studio Singapore later part of the year as some of the attractions are not ready yet. I want to make my money worth...hahaha.
Being the football season, Bugs Bunny is the goal keeper while the kids get to throw the ball into the net.

Some short videos on Looney Tunes Characters in action.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

PC Show at Suntec City

The PC show is in its 20th year of holding the exhibition. Every year, it did not fail to attract buyers to their show. Almost every year, we bought something from PC Show. Last year, we got a laptop for eldest son.

I just came back from the PC show, almost bought the desktop computer for myself but because the price agreed earlier to me was withdrawn, just because I went one floor down to compare prices The $50 discount is gone cause they have a window period. So I was so fed up and decided to go back tomorrow (being the last day of the show). It is not because of the $50 but it was because the sales guy did not mention about the window period that I was so fed up. I am very stubborn too and refuses to give in. I rather get a more expensive PC than give in to a lousy sales guy...tsk tsk.

Normally, the prices will slashed down further on the last day of the show. Hopefully, I get my PC...hahaha.

Products being sold at a good price at certain time of the day.

Kids crazy over a mascot.
Oh I did not go home empty handed, managed to get an external memory that my son needed.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Boat Prize

This luxury sport boat is so beautiful but I could only see it and wont be able to win I dont always win any big prizes except for consolation prizes...hahaha. The most expensive prize I won was a $200+ handbag by a female magazine.

The boat is a prize organized by American Express. You can view more information from their website.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hort Park 5 - Tadpoles

This is very good educational pond for the kids. My little niece is so excited about the many eggs and tadpoles we saw at this pond.

The many bubbles you see in the ponds are eggs. Did you spot the tadpole(circled in red) in the above photo?

You have to look carefully for the lone tadpole which just wriggled a little

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Recycled Shopping Bags

After visiting the Clean and Green Campaign, we were given goodie bags to take home with us. The bags are made from recycled materials. Can you recognized them? Some are banners of advertisements for products. I chose a nice blue bag, I think it is made from a used Pepsi banner.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hort Park - Clean and Clean Campaign Exhibition

At the clean and green campaign at Hort Park, there's an exhibition of the then and now of Singapore.

It brought back memories of the time when I was younger, living in a not so clean environment. But now everything is so organised and clean.

An example of the street hawker back then in the 60s, the utensils they used are so old and discoloured but now hawkers will be fined or suspended if their stalls are unclean.

Now the sweeper's job are easier and high tech, they are help with machines and make it more attractive so that people will want to work as sweeper.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hort Park - Part 4 - Green and Clean Campaign Part 4

A special corner for kids who are too young to join the other games at the campaign.
Kids love drawings and colourings.

My little niece decided to have a tattoo and no, it is not a permanent one, just a stick on and removable tattoo for kids.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hort Park - Clean and Green Campaign - Part 3

Also at the Clean and Green Campaign are other educational programmes and games.

There's a lot of people queuing to play games, one reason being they get free I am the lazy sort, I dont like to queue and I prefer taking photos...hehehe

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My World Tuesday - Hort Park - Clean and Green Campaign (Part 2)

Everyone so interested and curious with this vending machine at the exhibition of Clean and Green Campaign 2010 held at Hort Park. No, it is not a drinks or food vending machine, it is a reverse vending machine for recycled materials. We just feed the machine with recycled materials and the machine will automatically separate it to plastic, can or glass.
And no, I did not try out the machine, there's a long queue of people queuing to try the machine and I dont like long queue.
A short video showing the company's representative explaining how the machine works.
Another short video of curious onlookers . I am curious about the machine too cause this is the first time we see this machine in Singapore although other countries are already using it.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Clean and Green Singapore Song

Oh I love this song so much so does my little niece.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Japanese Toys

Took these photos during the September School Holiday. They are promoting these japanese toys at a mall. My youngest son love all these self assembled toys.

This is a huge and tall toy but too bad I did not take a good photo of it.

So did you see any favourites?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Plaza Singapura - F1

The F1 fever is here again. It is interesting to see the F1 roadshow at Plaza Singapura. There's a racing car that comes with a virtual screen infront of it.

This man seems so engrossed in the game as if he is really in a F1 race.
And these men seem so engrossed with these These girls are part of the SingTel Grid Girls. The Sing Tel Grid Girls will be escorting the F1 racers out to the racing track. To find out more about the F1 race on 27th September in Singapore, you can view the official website.

I think i like this remote control racing car better. :)

A short video of the going ons at the F1 road show.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.