Sunday, March 29, 2009

Candle in the Dark

It was earth hour yesterday. We were supposed to switch off all lights between 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. to support earth hour.

Ok, I was excited and lighted a candle and listening to my portable radio. Able to do this cause both sons went out otherwise they would be using the computer, etc.

5 minutes passed then 10 minutes and 25 minutes, Ok I am getting bored by now. Cant do anything in the dark and too early to go to bed. So 30 minutes passed and the clock said it is nine pm, my favourite TV programme is on.

So I blow off the candle and watch my TV without switching the lights. So does it count? I guess I am only 50% into the earth I have to be honest. :)

Yikes, I now know I cant be left alone in the dark without a good Bravo to those who are 100% supportive of earth hour.

Just a short video to show the burning candle. I am surprised that the candle looked good in the recycled cover. It was an old cover of a broken container. The light reflected by the candleflame through the cover looked like a beautiful pattern.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

CREATE! DON'T STEAL! A campaign for protecting our rights

Laras Welt initiates a campaign today! CREATE! DON'T STEAL!
If you support the campaign to protect your works and not let anyone use them without permission, please visit Lara of uproad blogspot to get the original banner.

You can see her other post on Protest against theft.

Pink Saturday-Shopping Bags

My contribution for pink saturday are these shopping bags. I was clearing and packing my already untidy storeroom. Saw these shopping bags tucked in a corner. I know I am suppose to recycle them but some of them are so beautiful. So they ended up sitting in a corner of my storeroom.

The problems about the shopowners in here and from my overseas trips were that they wanted customers to carry their bags so as to advertise for

I am good yesterday when I went shopping with my friend, declined the bags and put my purchases in my huge handbag. :) Today being Saturday is Earth Hour. Do join the earth hour by switching your lights off for an hour from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm in your own country time. You can visit earthhour website.

These are shopping bags from my shopping spree here and overseas collected for many years. They are too pretty to be recycled or destroyed. The best is not to ask for shopping bags.

Here are some pretty ones, the most useful bags must be those brown paper bags which are earth friendly.

I like this pretty bag very much, was a bag given when I bought the mooncakes, it was about two years ago.

Cute picture

From Shanghai Olympic Shopping

Mad about shopping bags.
This post is to make all of us aware of the sick earth. I am not 100% perfect but I will try my very best to be conscious of the environment.
Things that I already done
Recycled empty jars, gave my old newspaper to the rag and bone man or the community club for recycling, ask for less shopping bags during my shopping spree, switch off all electrical appliances when not in use.
For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Kelong

Today my skywatch photos are about kelongs. Kelong actually is a Malay word to describe a structure with wood in waters. These kelongs are used for fishing and also serve as dwellings for the fishermen and their families. You can read more about them from Wikipedia.

The above is not really a real kelong. It is just part of the boardwalk found in Changi for leisure. It is not used for fishing but just as a decoration piece. Today there are only a handful of real fishing kelongs left in Singapore. You can read my previous posting on the boardwalk in here.

These structures are found in Sentosa. They are built to resemble Kelongs. At night there were be performance in here. There will be laser lights and fire coming out of these "kelongs". I did not watch the performance now that there are limited tickets (they used to have a venue near the Sentosa Merlion Park). The old venue was demolised to make way for the Integrated Resort and I think the above kelong will be temporary. You can see how the kelong looked at night from photos found in the internet.

Closer look at the "kelongs".

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Window Display

I always love to look at the window display. The window display at Robinson in Centrepoint Shopping Centre always make me take a double look. The mannequins are not dressed in any fancy clothes this time, they are promoting the lots of super discounts in their windows display this time round. I love shopping at Robinson.

Another window display at Wisma Atria Shopping Mall - I love the clothes in here. They are beautiful and they are not very expensive. I would love to buy the centrepiece but I dont have a sexy figure to wear

Best time to shop at Guess must be during their promotion period.

I cant remember which shopping mall this window display was at.