Saturday, March 1, 2008

Final Posting on Cocktail Stirrers

This will be my final posting on my hobby, collection of cocktail stirrers. I dont collect them anymore, they are collected during my teenage time.

This stirrer is from New Zealand, I cant remember who gave me this. I like the design of it.

These are from Mandarin Hotel. It looked like a mandarin hat worn by an ancient scholar.

I liked this stirrer from West End Club Disco at Goodwood Hotel. I remembered after the disco, we went for supper above the disco and we had sumptous taiwanese porridge. Nice fond memories. My ex-disco friends, if you are reading this, do you still remember?
That's all folks, on my collection of cocktail stirrers, hope you all find them interesting and enjoyable.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cocktail stirrers from Disco and Lounges

All these cocktail stirrers are collected from discos and lounges in Singapore and majority of the discos are no longer around. Xanudu in Shangri La Hotel, Black Velvet in Sheraton Hotel and West End Club (i think in Goodwood Hotel) were my favourite discos, the atmosphere and music were good. I guess cybergames were not invented during that time, so we all end up in discos on a Saturday

I no longer remember many of the other discos'

Closer look at the Neptune Theatre's Cocktail Stirrer.

It has the image of the Sea King, Neptune.

Cocktail stirrers from other discos.

The above stirrers are all look alike except the prints on them but they belonged to different discos. I guess they have the same supplier.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cocktail Stirrers Part 3 (Airlines)

All these cocktail stirrers are more than 20 years old and they are my treasures. I have no heart to throw them away even though some looked old.

I guess most of you know the logo of the above. Yes, they are from Singapore Airlines.

The above are from Japan Airlines (JAL)

All these stirrers are from different airlines and the one from Pan Am looked like a baseball bat. And I think Pan Am is no longer around.
Hope you enjoy these cocktail stirrers from different airlines.

More coming up......

Cocktail Stirrers Part 2

These cocktail stirrers are from overseas hotels. Some of them are easily recognized by their logos, especially the one from Tokyo and HongKong.

The one from Tokyo has an arch logo and the one from Hongkong has a chinese junk logo.
More tomorrow.........

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cocktail Stirrers Part 1

This is one of my unique hobby, collecting cocktail stirrers. It so happened when I was a teenager where disco was the craze back then and the drinks come with all these beautiful stirrers. My friends and I started collecting them and no we dont have to pay for them cause the drinks were paid by the guys...hehehe.

But seems like I am the only one still keeping these fond memories, my friends had discarded them all.

The above cocktail stirrers are my favourite. They were given to me by a friend. On the left has a shape of a kris and on the right is a wayang kulit.

The above are collected during my trip to Bangkok in 1983. Love the beautiful designs on the stirrers.

Closer look at the stirrers. On the left is an image of a traditional dancer and on the right is a four face elephant. (Elephant is the National Symbol of Thailand. Elephants in Thailand have always been a symbol of both power and peace.)
There were be more articles on my collection of cocktail stirrers in my future posts.