Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weddings Photography

Changi Village is located at the far end of east Singapore. It is famous for its beach, fishing and food. The latest attraction at Changi Village is the Changi Boardwalk. I will post about it at later post.

I spotted so many wedding couples taking their wedding photos at the boardwalk.

This professional photographer bending and making all sorts of angles to take the best shot of the wedding couple.

Wedding couples of different races having the same idea of having their wedding photos taken at the boardwalk. They are all so beautiful. Now my 20 year old niece is planning to have her future wedding photos taken here too....lol

This is how the wedding car would looked like. Most of the time, mercedes are used for the wedding cars.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. Great photos, Alice. It does look like a lovely spot for a wedding.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This looks like a great place for wedding photographs and just plain visiting.

  4. I love to see lots of happy wedding parties. How nice.

  5. I love to watch newly weds pose for their photos away from the church.

  6. Different setting for a wedding! Beautiful shots.

  7. Looks like an excellent place to take wedding photos... or any photos.

  8. January---time to start planning those June and October weddings. June and October--the favorite wedding months in the USA.
    Thanks for posting a happy time shot for your world.

  9. This is a bit like wandering around New York City on a weekend afternoon! Brides and grooms everywhere. A lovely sight.

  10. Alice: A nice capture of the wedding customs in your world.

  11. I want a wedding there too lol. :D But I would love to photograph better :D

  12. Great shots, I like the first one from a distance.

  13. I loved seeing this glimpse into your culture...the brides are all beautiful!


  14. I would have loved to have my wedding photos taken at thissame place too. Now it's too late, ha ha ha. It is a nice approach of weddings photos you have there Alicesg.

  15. It is a lovely setting for wedding photos; I especially like the third one with the greenery.

    Mercedes are used here too; but not exclusively.

  16. Hi Alice
    Thanks for all your visits and support on my blogs. I really appreciate your friendship and will pop in and visit when I can as I am keen to keep in touch.
    Cheers and every good wish for 2009.

  17. That is a very romantic place to start a life together! Nice photos. Thanks for visiting my world.

  18. that place has witnessed a lot of weddings! i like the boardwalk.

  19. Wow, what a popular spot for outdoor wedding photography! I can just imagine the poor brides sweat, sweat, sweat in our warm weather as they pose, bend, smile, turn for the camera!! Ha ha ha.....


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