Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Changi Village-No Fishing

Back to my earlier post on the No Fishing Sign, I now realised why the sign was there...lol. After sorting the photos and watching the video, I realise this place is not suitable for fishing. Yes, Jim is right that the water is not safe for fishing.

The above photo might looked beautiful of the lone guy fishing in the sea, but.........

on closer look, there are many boats and ship passing in the open sea.

And there is this jetty where boats cross over to another island of Singapore called Pulau Ubin (Hahaha, I was borned and raised in Singapore for more than 40 over years but I never step into this island, maybe one day I will go there and take some photos and share with all). So the authorities are right to put the No Fishing Sign there. :) But seems like some dont care about the sign.
Two short interesting videos showing the coast of changi village.

I was walking along the 1.2 km boardwalk of Changi (i.e. from changi village to the kelong walk). On the way, I saw many things such as the above.

Please return to see more photos of changi village.


  1. An interesting post to say the least! Nice going.

  2. An interesting post to say the least! Nice going.

  3. Love the photos... but I guess people who love fishing will fish anywhere, right?

  4. Afterall, everything haves an explanation!
    But they surely better take care!

  5. Hi Alice,

    Happy New Year to you! May the year 2009 bring you happiness, good health and continued success!

    I remember a Mandarin drama series from Media Work on lives in Pulau Ubin!

  6. Beautiful place and a danger way for fishing.


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