Sunday, January 4, 2009

No Fishing?

Last week, I was at Changi Village taking a stroll at changi point. Been a long time since I come here and there's lots of changes in this little village. Will post more photos of changi village in future posts. This is a lovely place where many come here for picnic, fishing, jogging, sailing, swimming, eating and etc. And I saw many wedding couples (chinese, malay, etc) taking photos further down the beach. Very interesting.

It was evening and the tide was low and best time for fishing. (Note the above photo where I circled the couple fishing.)

Take a closer look at this couple, there's a sign (circled) which reads no fishing. Seems like noone like the no fishing sign I saw many people fishing in the river which leads to the big sea.

Some came with fishing rods, nets and two guys (circled) came with a styrofoam box. The fishes must be plentiful here. I wondered why the "No Fishing" sign is there.


  1. Yes, you would wonder why it's there, and if there is a problem with fishing why don't the police enforce the sign. Good photos!

  2. I enjoy taking pictures of fishermen--they always want their photos taken if they have a fish or a crab to show you. Will have to wait a few months for warm weather though.

    these fishing photos have a serenity to them.

  3. Love that last picture. Very serene.

  4. No one follows signs anymore, do they? :) Such peaceful pictures of those fishermen.

  5. Normally the signs here for no fishing also have signs saying the fish are not safe to eat. The water has chemicals in it.

  6. It's almost as if it was here in Portugal! :)

  7. Alice: I object to the
    'No Fishing' sign but it is okay if they don't inforce it.

  8. poor people. they should have placed the "no fishing sign at the entrance".


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