Friday, June 27, 2008

Skywatch - Satellite tower at Mount Faber

Still on top of Mount Faber, I saw two very tall Satellite Tower. I guess they would looked good on Sky Watch Friday.

Plenty of greenery on top of Mount Faber.

Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's website.


  1. i really like that last one with both towers and all that foliage

  2. Very creative skywatch! It looks like a beautiful day.

  3. the tower makes for a great sky watch shot! very nice!
    My Sky Watch Friday post

  4. Mount Faber has really changed the past couple of years. Great place to hang out now, daytime with family for walks and views. Night with friends to chill out at the open air restaurant for a couple of drinks :)
    Happy Weekend!

  5. yihaa! it's nice to see those towers there on top of mount faber. mind if i ask how cold it is there?

  6. Dong, it is not cold at is a hill and not a mountain. :) Best time to visit is in the morning or night. Night would be nice, cause it is romantic to dine at the Jewel Box with your loved one.

  7. Towers and Sky together --two things we always enjoy looking up at.

  8. Very tall undeed. What are these towers for?

  9. Law, I have no idea what they are for. I guess it is more for communication.

  10. very neat captures

  11. I'm back ...
    Oh no, cried blog world ... he's back!

    But guess what, I'm so happy. If I didn´t rejoin SWF I would never have the chance to see these great photos!

  12. Just to let you know I have visited and seen your post. I thank you for joining in this week and being part of the Sky Watch community.
    Tom :O)

  13. glad to see your post today - those towers are huge!

  14. We cant manange without them so we better like them:) We wants to watch telly, use our phones and surf on the internet. This is the price we have to pay!

    Petunia's SWF

  15. We cant manange without them so we better like them:) We wants to watch telly, use our phones and surf on the internet. This is the price we have to pay!

    Petunia's SWF

  16. Great captures for sky watch!
    Have a nice weekend.

  17. Very nice pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment, I appreciate the feedback.


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