Sunday, June 29, 2008

A trip to Mount Faber (Part 4-Park)

Still on top of Mount Faber. And at this little park, we could learn about the directions from where we were standing, where our neighbouring countries were.

There are more but I was so tired so I only managed to snap these few countries directions.


  1. wow! i like the view from the manila arrow. this is a really nice place.

  2. Hi Alice! Great shots! I still remember how I sweat on that park, the first time I was there: 1992... ;))
    Blogtrotter is now racing the famous Paris-Dakar…
    Have a nice week!

  3. Yes, great views from this park; even though it is only 100m up. I have just caught up on your recent posts and found them very interesting.

  4. this fourth post from this great trip you took us to is also wonderful!

  5. I should think the views we exceptional..

  6. very beautiful scenery alice.

    By the way i am campaigning for INSULARE and DONGISM in Filipino Blog of the Week. Kindly VOTE for them in Talksmart's or my blog. The poll is in the upper right side of the blog. Just check both their names. Take Care!!!

  7. those arrows are great idea. thanks again


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