Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year 2014 - Year of the Wooden Horse

Here wishing all who celebrate a very Happy Chinese New Year. This year being the Year of the Wooden Horse and is the green horse. Those interested in reading fortunes can check this out from website.

It is for fun reading and I dont believe much in it cause there's so many millions of people born in the same zodiac so it does not represent each and everyone of them.

Bought some titbits for guests visiting but my two sons have been eating much of them hahahaha.

I did not buy much cookies, only baked some cookies. Every year I bought so many jars of cookies but guests are not eating much cause there's so much eating in each visiting that everyone afraid of eating more cookies lol.

Getting angpows ready for distribution to family,relatives and friends. Different designs of ang pows represent different amount of money contained inside so that I wont get mixed up and giving the wrong ang pows.

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