Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014 - Ang Pows (Red Packets)

Every year without fail I went to collect some ang pows or red packets from the various banks. We need these ang pows to put gifts of money. These angpows are then given during Chinese New Year to unmarried family members and friends and our elderly relatives and parents.

The reason to have different ang pows is to differentiate the angpows because value of the angpow is different. The closer the relations the higher the value of the gift money.

The above photo are angpows from POSB Bank, they comes with stickers to seal the ang pows.

The above ang pow is from DBS Bank that comes with stickers too.

Ang pows from left to right are from United Overseas Bank, May Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. Love the colour of red ang pows.

The above angpows are given when we dine or purchase from the respective shops.

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