Friday, January 8, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Kite Flying with plane in the background

We have so much fun flying kites during our getaway during christmas at the resort. The weather was fine and very windy. A perfect day for kite flying. I did most of the videographing and photography while sons, nieces, nephews and siblings flew those kites. Some kites did not make it up the sky.

Oh I love the kite that looked like a lizard. It flew so high up.
We attract quite a lot of attention with our kites, even tourists wanted to take photos of the

As the beach is near the airport, we get to see the planes landing.

A short videos showing the kites flying but not as high as the plane.

Can you spot the lizard looking kite? It is high up in the sky in the below video.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. Thank you all for the concern, hubby and me are fine now. Today is a big day for me. Celebrating 50 years of life on or sobs....

  2. Thomas, yes, and thank you for the wishes.

  3. happy birthday, alicesg:) i miss kite flying. we did it during summers when i was a kid. Sadly, my nieces never did it now. Do love your captures and the stories. happy skywatching!

  4. Congratulations Alice!!! It's a milestone birthday. Go ahead you can have that second piece of cake. So happy for you.

  5. Happy Birthday! Mine was on the 6th. What a wonderful and fun time to spend together with your families. I miss kite flying very much...

  6. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear.... Alice
    Happy birthday to you
    "50" Wow!!
    I celebrate it in March :(
    I dont like that number ..... LOL

    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  7. Happy birthday Alice! so you are 50 years young. :) I'm 3 years *younger* than you , hahaha.... be happy and smiles always.. *sing* Oh, oh, oh!
    Let's go fly a kite
    Up to the highest height!
    Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
    Up through the atmosphere
    Up where the air is clear
    Oh, let's go fly a kite!

  8. Thank you all so much for the wishes. :)

  9. Anya, I have no idea why I cant access to your blog.

  10. Happy Birthday! 50 is just a number - keep going:)) All the very best!

  11. Love your kite collections! Good post :)


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