Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Down and Out

After all the merry making, the body just cannot take it...lol.

Hubby and me both are sick...and no it is not H1N1...


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you're haveing sick issues as well. Hope you and hubby get better really quick. Happy New Year..I hope it's the best year ever for both our families. I'll try to catch you as soon as you're feeling better. Hugs from Texas..CC

  2. Sorry to see both are sick.
    I too caught influenza (bit not the H1N1) and had to stay in bed for some time.
    Now back to work, but still with a sore throat.
    Hope you get better pretty soon!

  3. Happy 2010 Alice :)

    Oh dear...time to really rest and relax, boost up those vits too.


  4. I had the flu :(
    I'm better now :-)
    Happy New Year
    (Thats the reason I'm late !!


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