Friday, September 18, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Crane

Today's post for skywatch is this beautiful sky with the crane as a subject. Can you spot the tiny moon there?

It soon turn dark so fast. The lights on the crane came alive too.

I played around with my camera and shake the camera while taking the following shots of the crane. The lights on the crane looked like

Does this looked like some kind of fireworks? It is actually the lights on the crane.

Dancing lights

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. That DOES look like firework! Very cool! (And I love your tiny moon... my favorite kind.)

  2. cool dancing lights. you must be shooting from high up to get that perspective on the first image with the cranes.

  3. Those cranes are lovely and comforting. Their presence tells me people are working.

  4. Yes, yes it does look just like fireworks! Great capture!

  5. Very creative,
    Yes I can see the little moon ;)
    And on the other shots its almost firework those lights :)
    Fantastic shots !!

  6. great colors and light!!!

  7. Nice series of pic's, I love the lights. Thansk for sharing.

  8. Excellent Sky Watch.... and the crane lights do make excellent fireworks... I like how you made them Alice.


  9. Alice: What a neat seires of shots of the crane, it is neat when lighted.

  10. Beautiful lights on the crane.

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