Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Plaza Singapura - F1

The F1 fever is here again. It is interesting to see the F1 roadshow at Plaza Singapura. There's a racing car that comes with a virtual screen infront of it.

This man seems so engrossed in the game as if he is really in a F1 race.
And these men seem so engrossed with these girls...lol. These girls are part of the SingTel Grid Girls. The Sing Tel Grid Girls will be escorting the F1 racers out to the racing track. To find out more about the F1 race on 27th September in Singapore, you can view the official website.

I think i like this remote control racing car better. :)

A short video of the going ons at the F1 road show.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. there is too much going on in singapore. bloggers must be having a hey day covering everything.

    have a great week.

    i posted mine at www.ewok1993.wordpress.com

  2. My husband follows all the F1 races. He'd wake up to watch them in real time on tv. I'm sure I'll read about the excitement and happenings in the papers.

  3. you are so lucky to see those monsters alive

  4. Lots of fun things going on in your post today.

  5. Oops.....
    Its a post for my husband ...... LOL
    Amazing shots today :)

  6. Car racing seems to be very popular everywhere now. Thanks for sharing the show and your part of the world. BTW I love your lavender, it is one of my favorites too.

  7. There are usually lotsa publicities when F1 is held. It's a good source of income for the organizer. That's why Malaysia is also keen to put its hands into F1. We already have our Sepang F1 track. Not it plans to invest in developing an F1 team. Imagine RM1 billion will be allocated to do it!!!

  8. Hi Alice! Another week has passed without a chance to drop by. It seems time runs faster when you get to a certain age... ;)
    Too noisy for me... ;))

    Blogtrotter is trying to have fun in the Turkish Riviera. Enjoy and have a marvellous week!

  9. F1 is exciting. It brings Singapore to the world stage. It creates buzz. It helps our economy. My eyes will be peeled to the circuit on TV this weekend. Yours also, Alice?

  10. Irene, yes, it is easier to watch on TV where you can get all the action live. You bet, I will be glued on TV...lol.


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