Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My World Tuesday - Food - Fond Memories

For my world today, I am going to show you food which is part of our Singapore culture, after all we are a food paradise.

This photo was taken off the poster of the restaurant at Turnhouse Road. I remember when I was very young, my parents would bring my siblings and myself to punggol end and have seafood at Ponggol Choon Seng Restaurant. I remembered tucking into the chilli crabs and having a great time there. Those were the days and we dont even mind that the restaurant was not air conditioned nor sitting by the roadside back then.

Even when travelling along the dusty road towards the restaurant, we had to pass by several pig farms and tolerate those awful smell but now we dont even have a single pig farm on Singapore.
Inside the restaurant, it is very cosy and nice. As the restaurant is tucked in a corner of Changi, it is very quiet unlike some other restaurants.

One of the dish that we love is the crispy duck which we wrapped with popiah skin. For more photos of the food we had that day, you can view food blog.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. I remember eating on roadside eateries too. It's much more fun to eat when you smell the air, etc.

  2. Chilli crabs? I could eat a few kilos of them :P

  3. eating can be such a pleasant experience when you go to some special places...

  4. hey alice, this post made me hungry. yum yum. nothing like a fine meal on a dim light.

  5. Looks like a lovely place to eat !!!
    The food looks yummie ....

  6. Sorry been so busy up here, I will try to go blog visiting often.

  7. Alice I remember taking a bus to Punggol and eating seafood there. Long time ago.

  8. Fascinating. I like the old poster.

  9. we ate in Punggol too. Chilli crabs and mee goreng.

  10. It does sound yummy. I love crabs. Thanks for sharing your part of the world.

  11. off topic.

    thanks for your concern. the flood that happened in manila was the worst ever in my years of existencee . the place i live in is about 3 hours away in manila. we had strong winds but fortunate enough not to be flooded. i had lots of friends in manila who lost everything but i am sure we filipinos can survive this.

  12. Lawstude, am sure all will be over soon. There's a donation drive over in our country by Mercy Relief to help flood victims.

  13. chilli crabs is yummy and i could like my fingers off the sauce that comes with it:)

  14. oh my...crispy duck. my mouth is watering. i so miss good asian food which is not to be had in my part of the world.
    great post.

  15. Your world and food is a lot more colourful than mine.. and much more healthy I'm sure.


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