Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Japanese Toys

Took these photos during the September School Holiday. They are promoting these japanese toys at a mall. My youngest son love all these self assembled toys.

This is a huge and tall toy but too bad I did not take a good photo of it.

So did you see any favourites?


  1. Such a great toys
    I love it ......
    I think your sons never will
    go out of that store ...... LOL
    (My girl love only dolls ;)

  2. I heard that the strong quake that shook Indonesia was so strong that it was felt as far as Singapore. Did you feel it? Are you okay?

  3. Anya, my son still keeps his toys although he has grown up. :)

    PC, I dont feel anything although my sister felt it. I dont even knew there's an earthquake till my sister rang me. The last time I felt it was many years ago and I was using the puter then and suddenly I felt giddy and I thought it was my anaemic acting So I went to lie on bed and switch on the TV and then I realised there's an

  4. I dont have any favourite......BUT my son would flip over these :P

  5. your youngest son is not the only one. i love them too :-)

  6. Such wonderful toys...I think guys like their toys the way we enjoy crafts.


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