Saturday, July 18, 2009

Whampoa Estate Part 5-Wet Market and Hawker Centre

My contribution for pink saturday are some interesting scenes in the market.

This is a hawker centre where they sold mostly local food and the prices are quite reasonable . This estate is so old and most of the hawkers are long timers and the food they sold are so good.

Just walked across the hawker centre is the wet and dry market. The wet part sold fishes, chicken, vegetables, etc , while the dry sold dry groceries , clothes, cloth, household items, etc. Did you spot the "P" in Whampoa as a contribution to Pink Saturday?
Did you spot any pink dress in the above photo?

Stalls selling dry groceries like curry powder, spices, pepper, mushroom, nuts, etc

Inside the market will be the wet part, where they sold poultry, fishes, etc

As it is near noon, the market is close for the day, so the stall holders has to wash and keep their stalls clean.

I hope you enjoy the introduction of the market and hawker centre. :)
For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.


  1. I just have to come and we go shopping.. We can shop and eat, and eat and shop.
    I know I would love your beautiful country..and all the great pinks you find.
    Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend my friend..

  2. Great shots
    funny to hear dry & wet market ;)
    Here they say just market :)

  3. yes we did. that name sounds like a place in harry potter. hehehe...

  4. I like your street scenes so much! they show a lively culture and amazing aspects of your everyday life!

  5. This was very interesting! Happy Pink Saturday,


  6. I would love to spend a day there just looking at everything the hawkers have. How lovely is that. Thankyou so much for sharing it with us this week, I look forward to seeing much more, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  7. Alice, those are some great shots there! I did notice the pink "P" and will look for the pink dress! I also love the blue rafters in the stall area. Very colorful and fun! Thanks for taking us shopping here. I enjoyed it!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. I love markets around the world so much. Thank you for showing us your corner of it. Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. I love learning more about your home in Singapore. Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Alicesg, Oh your pics are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday! I have never been to Singapore. The shops look so interesting. I have signed up to follow your blog. I want to see where else you will take us next. Please stop by and say hi. I would love for you to be a follower of my blog as well. Country Hugs, Sherry

  11. Your post is so interesting! Very colorful and intriguing. Of course, I noticed the pink "P" right away! Pink Hugs, Patti

  12. They must have some good shoes to be able to walk around the wet floors.

  13. ahhhh i miss going to these places.. hawker centers, markets especially in Geylang.. thanks for sharing these photos Alice.. Happy PS

  14. What a colorful market! How fun. Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!

  15. Hi Alice, thanks for covering Whampoa. It is my childhood neighborhood! And a lot has changed. I still can recall some of the sites, and recognise the changes. Although my family moved out from there for many years now, but I know my mom likes to go back to Balestier for the food. haha...

    Alex's World! -

  16. Glad you shared the market with us. I feel like I have been to visit you. Nice post.

  17. A wet market is a totally different experience. So carefree and bargain, if you must!!

  18. I am sorry that it as taken me so long to drop by and see this post.. thank you for letting me know you had posted it.. as you know it as been hectic here.. in a very nice way...
    I loved this... then again Alice I knew I would... I worked on a market many many years ago, I would be one of the first there.. setting up a fruit and veg stall.... when the owner came and his day workers I would go home or sometimes hang around and look after other stalls.. I was 14 then and as my dad had died when I was 11 this extry income... plus free fruit and veg was very handy. I look back on those times as happy ones bought about by great sadness.
    I have always felt at home with market people...
    I also like the name 'Hawker..... it must go back hundreds of years... Great posting Alice.. thank you for the memories and sorry I was late getting by here.

    Your English friend

    My blogs today show a Gypsy Waggon and a Weather Vane


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