Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fond Memories Part 1 - St. Michael's Estate

This is a very old photo of my childhood home. I stay there since I was born but shifted out when I got married (1983). The flat was one of the first few homes built in Singapore during the late 50s to early 60s by Singapore Improvement Trust (SIT).

The Singapore Improvement Trust (SIT) was a government organisation set up in 1927 by the British colonial government in Singapore in response to the housing needs of the population of Singapore. To read more about SIT, you can read from wikipedia. Now the Housing and Development Board take over the SIT.

So I was lucky to be able to live in a flat since the day I was born so I have flushing toilet system and I dont have to use the bucket type of toilet...lol. Most flats during the early days are rented but nowadays more than 90% of homeowners in Singapore own their own flats/houses. (I dont have the latest figure of homeownership...so the figure was based on what I read in the papers.)

The flat and the surrounding flats were all demolished and now new flats built by the HDB take over the place. There are only 3 or 4 new blocks replacing about 20 blocks of the old flats, most are vacant land, I guess there are more plans to built more new flats when there is a demand for it. I just couldn't recognize the place when I went back there last month to have a look at the estate.

The newer flats are much more expensive and higher. Each flat in this area can cost about S$300,000 or more depending how big the flat is.

This empty lot used to be a very big wet market selling poultry, fishes, vegetables, pork, etc and some stalls outside the wet market sell cooked food. I missed the market because it brought back fond memories of my childhood.

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  1. Wow - amazing picture of your childhood flats!

    The new ones seems very nice - shame they are so expensive though. I like the parks and green fields that surround them.

  2. It is the same here on just a small island. The old makes way for the new, but the prices are just too expensive for most frist time buyers. Lovely nostalgic first image.

    Thank you for the link to for re stolen images. Very useful.

  3. There is nothing like revisiting the places where you spent your childhood. Great shots!

  4. So much change! I would miss the market,too. Interesting post.

  5. Alice: It was fun to remember the past with you.

  6. These modern buildings are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the beauties and pleasures of your life.

  7. skycrapers dominating in that area. i heard that universal studios will soon open in sentosa.

  8. Youre lucky to still be able to visit your childhood neighborhood and see what is still there and what's long gone.

  9. Or childhood is longgggg ago ;)
    Great shots nice place !!

  10. Dong, yes, Universal Studio should be open by next year in Sentosa. Another resort will be open in Marina next year too. Many new and exciting attractions opening next year. Look our for them through my blog. :)

  11. The place where you have spend the childhood is very special. Those memories will never erase for life.

  12. I remembered these places. There used to be a market next to factory before these houses were torn down. I love that market a lot.

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  13. I stayed at blk 9, Jalan Tenteram. If I'm not mistaken, the block shown is opposite mine..

  14. Cool. I guess is all in our memories and photos. All the flats are already demolished in Jalan Tenteram replaced by new flats. Left only those in Jalan Bahagia.


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