Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My World Tuesday-Registry of Marriage

This is the Registry of Marriages for all races except muslim. Muslim will be in another hall (see below photo).

The two parties come to the Registry of Marriage register for a date.

They will then be put to a petition for any objections for 30 days (21 days minimum) and to wed before 3 months.

I love this miniature bear couple sitting in a miniature sofa....so cute.

This is the registry only for muslim marriages.

Muslim marriages are solemnised and administered by the Registry of Muslim Marriages.

Lucky me, manage to take this photo of a muslim wedding couple and their families.

To know more about registry of marriage in Singapore, you can view source from wikipedia.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. Fascinating to this US Okie. Thanks for a glimpse into the culture.

  2. Why are they separate?

    Thanks for sharing this part of your country's story. Very interesting.

  3. Very interesting how this done. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. Hi Alice,

    Were U married in the registry like so many Singaporeons?

    Ann :0

  5. Sandy,

    The Matrimonial Law in Singapore is governed by two acts, the Muslim Marriages act (1966) which falls under the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) whereas the other is under the Women Charter.

    Muslim marriages are solemnised and administered by the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) whereas the Civil Registry (ROM) governs the Women's Charter

    You can read more from wikipedia by clicking in the post.

  6. Ann, yes I have my registry of marriage here, i.e. Hubby and me both signed the papers in front of the Solemniser. But we do have a chinese wedding later on and invited guests to a wedding dinner. I guess most chinese do go through the chinese wedding even though they have wedded officially at the Registry of Marriage.

  7. Very interesting,
    great pictures,
    and the miniature bear couple
    is so CUTE :)

  8. the muslim weddings are now like the christian weddings in terms of how people dress.

  9. Fascinating. I like the two sculptures.

  10. Fascinating to see the separate places within one building for the different religions. I never heard if that before.

  11. Fascinating to see separate places for different religions in one building. Never seen anything like this before.

  12. i enjoyed your post and lovely photo captures as always...
    and i liked the words on the wall "marriage, cherish the bond" very nice.
    have a wonderful week.

  13. Alice: The seperation of the cultures is amazing. We tend to try to eliminate this sort of thing.

  14. Interesting. Good idea to let people make objections before the wedding instead of at the wedding like here.

  15. I didn't know we have a separate hall for registry of marriages. This is new to me. Nice coverage.

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  16. Interesting tid bit about your country. Yes, I wonder why the muslims are separate?

  17. The bear couple is too cute :D

  18. Very interesting to see this registry, specially the Muslin one and with a wedding on at the time. I had never seen a muslim marriage before, I noticed the bride did not wear a head scarf on her wedding day and that she wore a beautiful white bridal gown.

  19. The muslim and the rest of the races are here just to register their wedding and they do dress up for the occasion too but they also will have a celebration on another day to invite more guests for a wedding lunch or wedding dinner which will be more elaborate.

  20. Hi Alice! Amazing that separation of marriages! Beautiful pictures!!


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