Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My World Tuesday-National Library (Part 1)

This is our new National Library which is so big compared to the old library that I used to go during my childhood. Perhaps I used to go there during my younger days and I was sentimental about the demolition of the old library. You can view a photo of the old library in here

It is about 16 storey high and very spacious and the library was internationally recognised as an architectural icon and designed as a 'green' building, its deployment of various innovative 'green' features helps to keep the building operating in an energy-efficient way and to do its part for a more sustainable environment. (Read more from source.)

Looking up from the ground floor, the library has very beautiful glass panels.

Inside the library, the ground floor is so spacious and clean.

The outside of the lirary with nicely designed shelters.
I cant take much photos of the inside library, you have to look at the official website in here.
The main entrance of the library. Inside the escalators move only when the sensors capture anything in front of it to save energy. At first, I thought the escalators were faulty and I had to climb the escalators ...lol.
I will post the visitors centre with greenery and with a view of the surrounding area on the fifth floor tomorrow, so please come back and visit.
Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. Libraries should be grand. They are the repositories of knowledge and wisdom.

  2. Nice, I love it..very ultra modern.

  3. That is a very nice and modern library. Thanks for sharing.

  4. gee wow! that's quite impressive building and a library at that. Wish our library is like that too.

    My world is here

  5. Incredible looking library! Great shots! Reminds me very much of our library here in Seattle! Thanks for sharing a corner of your world! Enjoy your week!

  6. That was so hi-tech and clean that it was hard to believe. Real sci-fi as it was so shiny.

  7. culture and books deserve such a place!

  8. Another building Singaporeans can be proud of. It certainly looks grand.

  9. I am a big advocate of public libraries. Without my local one here I couldn't find out as much as I do for the blog, still better than a Google search. Yours does look like a place I could spend a day in.

  10. Very interesting building Alice..
    My daily blogs: Wiggers World and Picture & Words

  11. Its a realy modern library :)
    Beautiful architecture,
    here in my village
    is it on old fashion building HEHE
    Fantastic shots :)

  12. wow - an ultra-modern library!! Looks more like a corporate headquarters!!
    Singapore amazes me!

  13. what a grand building...like that it is "green".
    have a wonderful wednesday.

  14. Hi Alice - thank you for an interesting post and for sharing these pics of your ultra-modern library. Quite a grand building!
    I look forward to seeing more of your photographs in future.
    Regards from Cape Town,

  15. Pretty cool library. All floors are for books? Wow.

  16. I love all the glass and also the greenery that you show in Wednesday's post too.

  17. it looks like the makati museum here but this one is really big.


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