Friday, May 8, 2009

Scary Tree

This tree looked so scary. It looked like a tree that has come alive and trying to get me. Yikes!

I was trying to capture a nice photo for skywatch while walking along Coleman Street. Then when I view the photo through my camera, I realised the tree looked scary. So I told hubby and both of us looked up again at the tree and I pointed to hubby that the branches are like limbs.

Then suddenly, we were surrounded by 5 or 6 people looking up at the tree Hubby and me walked away laughing....hahaha. These people must be wondering what is happening up

Oh this tree is located in the compound of a famous church in Coleman street which I will showcase on My World Tuesday. The church is very old and very beautiful. Please return to visit on Tuesday. :)
For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. It looks alive Alice. Maybe related to the trees on LOTR.

    Fantastic capture.

  2. Alice: Sky Watch does make you look up more often and this is a neat capture.

  3. It looks like a witch throwing some branches at me, helpppp...Alice!

  4. It looks like its about to reach down and grab you.

  5. I don´t know if it´s scary or just funny but it´s a living thing anyway!

  6. Well captured! Ready to fly? to pounce ?? to scream... I'm imagining already!!

  7. Interesting tree! What could be the story behind that. :) Beautiful for skywatchers.

  8. Hope you didn't call out your husband's name. otherwise the Pontianak will come at night for him. LOL`

    This was what we were told to believe growing up in Borneo. On the way to the airport, we had to drive past a few cemetaries. My mum would tell us to be quiet, and not call out each other's name.

    We really believe in her.



    p/s where is Coleman Street? Coleman is a brand of mustard isn't it?

  9. Wow I love this pic, so unique.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  10. i had the same imagination as photo cache. it's from the lord of the rings.

  11. It does look spooky at that angle. Imaginative photography

  12. Thanks all for the visit and comments. :)

    Yes, I love the Lord of the Rings, it could be one of the tree from LOTR...hehehe.

    Ann, Coleman Street is where Peninsula Plaza, St. Andrew Cathedral is located. I will featured more about Coleman Street next week.

  13. Are you referring to CHJIMES? That is a scary tree & I can see in my mind, the little crowd that gathered around you!

  14. Its a funny tree and scary
    ( its just a tree from a Harry Potter movie)....

  15. Xue, it is not chjimes, it is St. Andrew's Cathedral. Chjimes is one street away.

  16. I love the way the leaves look like delicate fronds...

  17. That is funny, every body looking up seeing you both doing it. :)
    Great shot!

  18. I agree, the little tendrils and hairy trunk are kind of creepy, especially in silhouette! Oh no, am I going to have nightmares now?!

  19. I see the scary being, too. Great shot, Alice.

  20. Nice tree silhouette, scary? ;)

  21. awesome right on.
    have a wonderful sunday.

  22. Beautiful shot! I love the details of the ferns on the tree's silhoutte!


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