Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flowers for mom

These are belated photos taken during my recent birthday in January 2009.

My sons bought a bouquet of flowers for me..... first time. :) They used to buy a stalk of flower only cause they are still students back then.

I love the big Gerbera flower.

And I was laughing so hard when the three men in the house taking a longer time lighting the candles because this year the candles are

Next year they can just put 5 big candles...hehehe


  1. Awwww..that is so sweet and they grow up too fast.....I will need 54 candles for my next birthday cake.. It seems so old...LOL....Michelle

  2. wow! cake is really beautiful. she'll definitely like it.

  3. Happy belated birthday.

    The gerbera is beautiful. Did it last?



  4. A lovely thought and with love, I'm sure.

  5. Just wait on sunday for mother's day, you'll surely get more flowers from them.

    Advanced Mother's Day greetings to you.

  6. Owww Alice
    how sweet from your sons :)
    I love also gerbera's.
    Sunday May 10th
    is in Dutch Motherday,
    FLOWERS are coming for me,
    many many ,
    I can also visit my mother,
    I buy her many ROSES
    (she is 80 years)and so sweet :)

  7. Hey Alice! You came over & never mention anything about yr own special day...zu nin sheng re kuai le!

  8. Sorry to confuse you

    It's belated birthday photos that I took in January 2009.

    Those flowers are from my sons to me. :)

    This weekend, mother's day we are going to have a little celebration. They are not telling me anything yet.

  9. Thanks all for the greetings and happy mother's day to all mothers too.

  10. this is so beautiful. lucky mom and lucky sons too. wonderful captures

  11. Re: Senior citizens, not that you are a senior citizen, LOL, I mean your comment on my blog. Do you remember Tang Dynasty? That it was here today, and gone tomorrow at Jurong Road?

    Being proud to be a Chinese, I took my dad and family, paying a lot of money to enter. That day was special, they treated senior citizens to a meal. As I bought the tickets, the girl at the counter waves at my dad," Ah Pek" Then she gave the Ah Pek a voucher for a free lunch.
    My dad said, it was the first time ever, in Singapore to be treated a free meal.

    Sayang they had to close the place down. Any idea what is there now?

  12. great men you have there :)! and of course, with a perfect taste in choosing the flowers!

  13. Hi Alice! Another hectic week and my tour of blogosphere suffers... ;)
    Lovely flowers, lucky mother... We had Mother's Day last Sunday!
    Thanks for your regular comments at Blogtrotter
    Have a great weekend!

  14. Very thoughtful kids! Belated happy birthday!

    Btw, my first time here in this pretty interesting blog. Will be back again!

  15. Happy Mother's day Alice, my son gave me a little plastic flower he bought with his pocket money. He said he didn't eat for break because he bought that flower, I said I didn't eat a week for paying for his tuition..just kidding :P But no, I did tell him that..arent mothers the greatest, well..superwoman actually.

  16. Ann, I heard it will be converted to be a temple where visitors are allowed to stay overnight for medication or eat vegetarian food and of course dont think it come

    There's the buddhist lodge over here that provided free food for the poor or just about anyone. Even the rich go there for the vegetarian food but of course they do donate food or money to the temple.

    Lara, the flowers were chosen by my son's girlfriend. :)

    M kate, so sweet of your son.

    Thank you all for the nice comments in my blog. :)

  17. The flowers are really pretty. I am sure you had a great time didn't you? :)

    Alex's World! -


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