Friday, April 3, 2009

Skywatch-Friday-Istana Park - Part 3

Continuing from posts on flowers in the Istana Park.
Saw these beautiful bougainvillea. I always thought that bougainvillea are pink, did not realise they comes in white too.

Looking up through the arches, you can see both different colours of the plant.
Closer look at the white bougainvillea with the sky in the background.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. Ha! I just came from a post with yellow bougainvillas, and yours are sweet too in pink and white colors. Great sky photos too!

  2. Yellow, wow I must go look too. :)

  3. I am just loving the tour of your Istana park.

  4. Nice post for SWF. Beautiful blog.

  5. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. The only thing about them is that they aren't all that fragrant. But you should smell an orange blossom: to die for!

  7. I love bougainvillea but here it is likely to freeze. But I can grow peonies and I love those too. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Trying to visit all the skywatchers in column 3 but am wearing out! Love your bougainvilla photos. Someone in Australia posted golden ones.

  9. Beautiful shots from those flowers, and thank you for showing that park !! Thanks for sharing its so colorful, I love flowers :))

  10. I love bougainvillea too. they always brighten up the place with their brilliance colors.

  11. Great shots Alice, I especially love the first pic.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  12. Does it smell nice walking under them?

  13. a blessing for our eyes waiting for spring!

  14. The white ones are gorgeous! Beautiful series of photos of the park!

  15. bougainvillea comes in pink, red, white, and orange. i am not sure but i may have seen a yellow too. they are everywhere in the philippines.

  16. I've seen Bougainvillas in many colours. In our Singapore home, we had fushia, purple, orange, yellow, white, liht pink & dark pink! I do miss bouganvillas. Now we have cherry blossoms instead.

  17. Bougainvillea are so beautiful, thanks for sharing your photos with us. Quite stunning! :)


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