Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Istana Park - Part 2 - Flowers

Continuing from yesterday post on Istana Park, today I will show you some flowers that I saw at the park. As it is a very small park, there are not many flowers. Sorry I am not familiar with the names of the flowers. Will try to put in the names when I come across them.

Love these beautiful pink flowers

I think these are part of the ester flowers group, will t

Canna Flowers

This flower looked like a trumpet so it is called golden trumpet or as Yellow Allamanda (I hope I got the name right, correct me if it is not.)


  1. wonderful! what a paradise of colours and sights!

  2. BEAUTIFUL Alice,
    I have no other words :)

    Life is that ever lasting flower
    The flower that is always in constant bloom
    The flower is life that ever lasting thing
    Life is something that is truly a blessing .......


  3. they are all nice, I like the different shades.

  4. you're lucky with flowers... the yellow trumpet is gorgeous too... we have a yellow trumpet vine here in summer.

    we finally have a few flowers now... only about 4 kinds! But it's so wonderful to see them come up from the earth.

  5. Don't know about most of the flowers here but that last yellow one is the Yellow Allamanda. I think the sap is poisionous & causes a terrible rash too.

  6. beautiful flowers, alice, the white flowers second to the last image do they have scent?

  7. Thanks all for the nice comments. Yes, there so many different types of colourful flowers and they dont have any strong scent.

  8. very beautiful and colorful today post. and excellent smelling :)

  9. the flowers looks so lovely! they might die soon but with you taking a photo of the flowers when they are most beautiful will forever keep those beautiful flowers a memory here in your blog.

  10. lovely flowers alice. i love the crispness of your shots in this post. great job.

  11. Just stopped by today to see the flowers again...

    some flowers are blooming in my yard, ( snow drops, daffodils, crocus) and I'm outside getting a spot ready for herbs. I'll be planting some things soon!


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