Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My World Tuesday-Grand Shanghai Restaurant

What do you do during your weekend? Last weekend, we decided to go for dinner at a nice restaurant where there's a live band. The food was very good and the ambience was lovely but the lightings were too dim for my poor eyes...lol. Luckily, my youngest son was with hubby and me and he help us to look at the menu in the dim lights and ordered food. Too bad my eldest son is in camp and not able to join us.

The live band played very beautiful music and the singer sang mostly old mandarin songs. Hubby and me love the songs cause were our favourite and son find it very interesting. First time for him to listen to a mandarin live band, he usually listen to english live band in pubs.

The restaurant is suitable for big gatherings for family and friends but not suitable if you like some quiet dining. The atmosphere is quite noisy.
Two short videos of the live band and the singer singing oldies. (ie. many old mandarin songs and only one english song.)

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. That's a wonderful looking restaurant.

  2. looks like you had a lovely evening out...nothing better than good food and a nice restaurant...both of which are lacking in my part of the world.
    have a great week.

  3. Hi Alice,

    You are so funny! I LOL, I refer to the orang utan post. I was in Sing as guest to your country. I was careful not to be critical. The Singaporeons I encountered are very protective. You are so different.



    p/s Jurong Point, it has changed so much. When I arrived in 1990, we took the last MRT at Boon Lay. I don't even rememeber the original shopping centre was there, no, it wasn't there because I had to shop at NTUC Jurong East.

    I hope Tow Guan pottery is still there. Used to go there a lot. You blog about them? There are so many thing s to photo. I blogged little with what photos I had in my achives. The Ang Mos love it.

  4. Another romantic restaurant ~

    It's nice to dine while someone is singing so sweetly... --Can't help Falling... is a nice song, but I'd prefer old Mandarin songs since they'd be new to me.

    Yes we're finally blossoming in Nyack!

  5. Very interesting, thanks!! We don't get too many mandarin bands at clubs here in Oklahoma.

  6. I think it's very nice to have your son join you for dinner. How's the food?

  7. Thanks all for the visit and glad you all like it.

    Ann, I am protective of my country but that doesnt mean I have to be positive in everything. Noone is perfect and no country is perfect and a paradise.

    We are known as a clean and green country and everything here is so very well organised and no major flooding here.

    Yes, we are clean but you still find certain parts of the country with rats and rubbish too, so we are not 100% clean...lol.

    Green - yes definitely, you can see many tall trees growing even in the financial district to cover those concrete buildings.

    No flooding because we have a good drainage system but you still can find flash flood here and there, cannot fight much with mother nature. :(

    As for the orang utan, Ah Meng, he is well love here and I love him too but that does not mean I will hug him cause he can bite. I find it very stress for poor Ah Meng to have breakfast with visitors and pose for visitors. I rather watch them from a distance.

    Ok the above is my very own opinion, it wont be the same with my fellow countrymen. :)

  8. interesting post of the restaurant. it seems quite popular too and looks like you had fun :)

    My world entry is up too.

  9. I was privileged to enter Singapore on our way to Germany and back. Even if it was only at the airport, I was truly impressed of the place. Would love to dine in your restaurant one day. It will take a miracle though if that happens. Thanks for taking us to your beautiful country.

  10. Hi Alice,

    Enjoyed your writing. It is so refreshing reading.

    Having been an ex pat for 16 years, I agree with much of what you say, like the clean and green.

    There is the safe aspect, many of my Ang Mo friends feel safe in Singapore. they say, the moment they land back in Singapore, they feel safe. You hear horror stories of theft even in Italy.

    Definitely in South East Asia, Singapore is very safe. In Malaysia, I am told not to carry my handbag.

    When I first arrived, I went with my friend to the Boon Lay wet market. I sawgiant rats chewing the carrots. I told the stall holder, he said, MEI U LAU SHU In Singapore, aka no rats on Singapore. He made me embarassed, but during the 16 years in a expensive apartment in NTU, we caught more than a dozen rats. LOL That I leave for another post, did I post about it before, I can't remember.

    We could chat more.

    How old are your boys? Sam turns 13 in July. He would have been PSLE last year, but he "escaped". We tease him that we are going to Singapore, and he would prefer to "homestay" here than to go.



  11. Nice...and its been like ages since I've heard an oldie...practically have pensioned off karaoke-ing...or maybe the restaurants I went dont have this entertainment..

  12. Ann, lol on the rats. But every month the town councils could send the "pest man" to kill the rats but somehow cant killed them all. The surviving ones kept breeding...grrrr. But majority of Singapore places are still very clean...hehehe....because every month we need to pay $$$ for cleaning and washing of our premises and clearing rubbish. Singapore flats have to be repainted every five years.

    Yes, Singapore is very safe but of course we still have to be vigilant even though it is very safe. Chances of recovering your lost wallet in Singapore is 9 out of 10. So there is one missing wallet not found...lol.

    My sons are 22 and 20 this year. My eldest son is serving his National Service (Compulsory for boys) and he will be finishing in few months time and youngest son will serve his national service in a few months time.

    About education, hmmm....I think as long as you are not "kaisu"(scare to lose out) and dont demand so much, am sure the kids wont have problem with education in Singaore.

    My sons go to catholic school because they are near my home (walking distance) and eldest son is average but manage to get As and Bs for his O Level Examination while my youngest son excel in his education and will be going to university after his NS.

    I dont push them and leave them to do what they want but I do guide them in their education except for chinese where they have to take up tution....lol (my chinese is different in our time, the strokes of the chinese words are different).

    I will chat another time with you Ann. :) Maybe I can make a post on education over here.

    P.S. will check out the pottery place for you, if it is still around.

  13. Nice place to spend time with family. Not surprised you missed your son there.

  14. Hi Alice
    A great insight into your weekend.

  15. And I hope thee food was good, too!

  16. What a great night out for you!

  17. thanks for sharing that. it was my first time to listen to mandaring songs as played by a band. something i shouldnt miss if i go there.

    last weekend we went to a 12hour roadtrip to the mountainous area of the philippines.

  18. Dong, wow 12 hour road trip is a nightmare for me at this age...lol. I bet the beautiful scenery at the mountain area is worth all the journey.


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