Friday, March 27, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Kelong

Today my skywatch photos are about kelongs. Kelong actually is a Malay word to describe a structure with wood in waters. These kelongs are used for fishing and also serve as dwellings for the fishermen and their families. You can read more about them from Wikipedia.

The above is not really a real kelong. It is just part of the boardwalk found in Changi for leisure. It is not used for fishing but just as a decoration piece. Today there are only a handful of real fishing kelongs left in Singapore. You can read my previous posting on the boardwalk in here.

These structures are found in Sentosa. They are built to resemble Kelongs. At night there were be performance in here. There will be laser lights and fire coming out of these "kelongs". I did not watch the performance now that there are limited tickets (they used to have a venue near the Sentosa Merlion Park). The old venue was demolised to make way for the Integrated Resort and I think the above kelong will be temporary. You can see how the kelong looked at night from photos found in the internet.

Closer look at the "kelongs".

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. Very interesting! I love the sky in the first photo!

  2. Wow, I've never seen such thing here though there are lots of huts on the bay, but I'm not sure it's used for fishing. They just reside in it. The sky is so wonderful giving the kelongs more spectacular view. I love the first photo the most.

  3. Beautiful shots Alice, the first one is my favourite.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  4. I wonder what it would be like to live in one of those like you said some of the fisherman do in huts that are similar..Interesting ...

  5. Not sure I could live on the water like that. I stayed in a home on stilts on the Gulf of Mexico when I was kid and still remember I didnt like it.

  6. Hi Alice,

    I have never been to a kelong before. Should be fun to go to one. Read about it in our Geography classes during school days.

    Thanks for leaving your comments in my blog. Hope you and family have good weather when you go for Qing Ming.

    Wish you a lovely weekend.

  7. as always, great photos! happy Friday to you!

  8. The structures are beautiful and the sky picteres are amazing, greaaaaaaaaat shots.
    Its very nice to see it, it makes my day good (@^.^@)

  9. Well that was an interesting post Alice! I didn't know what a kelong was! Thanks for your comment! Have a nice day!

  10. Great pictures Alice, I have been to sentosa..well, many moons ago. YOu have a great weekend/m

  11. Hi Alice! Sorry for the absence! It has been hard to get some free time... ;)
    Interesting those «kelongs»!
    Lovely window display; amazing new shopping and a great surprise with the (no) queue for taxis at Centrepoint...
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Love the Kelongs - reminds me of my time in Asia.

  13. Very nice place to visit.I love the view,wonderful shot.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. It was a fascinating read about Kelongs,beautiful shots too.

  15. I really liked those structures in the 2nd and 3rd shot; they are so beautifully even on their own and not a part of the show.

  16. Has to be the first image. Flat out gorgeous and fascinating reading.

  17. Alice: Very nicely shown, I think I would like to try to fish the area.

  18. I love the brilliance of the first shot.

  19. Those are at Changi Village? I've yet to see them, where about is this?
    Really interesting :)

  20. hi, im currently doing a school project on Kelongs and i'd like to know if there are still these amazing structures down at Sentosa. Or have they been demolished already? Any helpful sites for me to know the construction of them at IR? Oh. and are those mere structures, or are they made resorts as well?
    will be grateful if you can answer these questions. u can email me the answers at Thanks! (:


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