Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pink Saturday-Shopping Bags

My contribution for pink saturday are these shopping bags. I was clearing and packing my already untidy storeroom. Saw these shopping bags tucked in a corner. I know I am suppose to recycle them but some of them are so beautiful. So they ended up sitting in a corner of my storeroom.

The problems about the shopowners in here and from my overseas trips were that they wanted customers to carry their bags so as to advertise for

I am good yesterday when I went shopping with my friend, declined the bags and put my purchases in my huge handbag. :) Today being Saturday is Earth Hour. Do join the earth hour by switching your lights off for an hour from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm in your own country time. You can visit earthhour website.

These are shopping bags from my shopping spree here and overseas collected for many years. They are too pretty to be recycled or destroyed. The best is not to ask for shopping bags.

Here are some pretty ones, the most useful bags must be those brown paper bags which are earth friendly.

I like this pretty bag very much, was a bag given when I bought the mooncakes, it was about two years ago.

Cute picture

From Shanghai Olympic Shopping

Mad about shopping bags.
This post is to make all of us aware of the sick earth. I am not 100% perfect but I will try my very best to be conscious of the environment.
Things that I already done
Recycled empty jars, gave my old newspaper to the rag and bone man or the community club for recycling, ask for less shopping bags during my shopping spree, switch off all electrical appliances when not in use.
For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.


  1. Yay you for being so environmentally aware! Who doesn't love bags??

  2. These shopping bags are truly beautiful, I wouldn't want to let them go too. Actually I also keep the best shopping bags, they pile in the storage, then after sometimes, I close my eyes, take them all and put them in the recycling bin.

  3. I like all the bags :))
    So funny and colorful!!

  4. I'm also collecting them :))! And I started collecting because I could not throw them away :)!

  5. Thanks so much for the great post today. I just ♥ traveling from blog to blog...the photos, the crafts, the ideas...too fun!

    Yours was especially fun this week. Thank you!

    See you next week!

  6. I'd hang on to those bags too! They might just turn out to be collectibles. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.

  7. I so need to get rid of my bags!

    Have a great Pink Saturday!

  8. I wouldn't have thrown them away either. They are just darling.

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
    Deanna :D

  9. Trying to visit blogs between thunderstorms today (Spring is here) Happy Pink Saturday ~ Susan

  10. I remember when I started collecting holiday bags, thinking I would recycle by reusing. The problem came when I would go to use one, fall in love with it and keep it. Now I have so many, I am forced to give them away. That's much better than keeping them anyway, we should all share the good stuff don't ya think!? Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  11. They are wonderful bags. Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Love those bags..but then I love shopping as well. :). Happy Pinks and I will visit Lara to get the button. To have someone steal your photos is just awful and so unfair.

  13. Great pics!Love the bags! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Lovely bags! Much to pretty to get rid of!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Happy pink day! Your bags are cool!

  16. Pretty shopping bags. Happy Pink Saturday,

  17. I am also cutting down the usage of plastic bags when I shop, either in the market or malls. But many still don't understand why we do not need the plastic bags. The vendors/sales person thought I was trying to save money for them. I explained it's to reduce the usage of plastic bags that are not bio-degradable. Then only they understand. We have to help create the awareness to save our earth from futher harm.


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