Sunday, February 8, 2009

My favourite flowers and colour - Lavender

These are lavender flowers that I took in a lavender farm in Melbourne few years ago. My favourite colour is purple so you can see how delighted I was when I saw these purple lavender flowers. I did not know that lavender comes in other colours too till Mable from flowers in Singapore posted a special post just for me. She knew I like lavender flowers. :) Thanks Mable. If you are interested in flowers, do pop over to her blog to see those beautiful flowers.

I never knew they have lavender tea But I dislike the tea, tasted funny. I bought some lavender cream from the farm (sorry no photos), they are so good to the skin. :)

And if that is not all, my sister bought this special pillow from Japan (not cheap), in it are dried lavender flowers. Yayy, I love you sis. The pillow serves as an aromatherapy pillow and each time I lied on it, I smell like lavender flowers
I will tried to post more purple items next time when I run out of photos to


  1. I love lavender, it smells great and it so pretty, but I didn't know it could be made into tea....Michelle

  2. Lavender smells so heavenly too!

  3. Lavender is used in a herb mixture for cooking (roasting chicken etc...) Herbes de Provence has it sometimes in the blend. It works well in that case, and in chocolate-- I buy the Dolfin brand chocolat (Belgium) --one is dark chocolate with Lavender from Haute Provence and is surprisingly good. It has tiny bits of the lavender in the chocolate.
    These herbal teas and flowery teas are an aquired taste, the first time I had Jasmine tea it was too floral, almost soapy, because it was odd,but now I've gotten a taste for it and it's no longer odd.

  4. Squirrel, Mable told me she ate lavender ice cream and now I learn from you that there are chocolate with lavender...Oooo, I sounded like a frog at the bottom of the I am so educated today. Thank you so much for all the info. :)


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