Friday, January 16, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Changi Boardwalk Part 5-Sailing boats

Continued from Changi Boardwalk Part 4, this post will be all about sailing boats. There is a sailing club over here too.

It was very cloudy and I thought it was going to rain but good thing, the clouds soon clear.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. lovely shots ... beautiful clouds.
    have a great weekend.

  2. You got some great shots and I really like the movement of the water..what a pretty place to live..

  3. The boats look like they are in perfect formation.

  4. Great skywatch shots, and I must say your header photo is outstanding.

    Regina In Pictures

  5. I see it's a busy day for sailing. I like the grey clouds.

  6. Hi Alice,
    Another set of beautiful place & nice photo shot from you.Thanks for sharing and how is your preparation for coming CNY?

  7. Great clouds,
    have a great SWF

  8. Seemed like there are many sailboats out in the sea.

    Happy SkyWatch, Alice and wish you a great weekend ahead!

  9. Thank you for the nice comments.

    Guy D, thank you for liking the header photo. It was taken at Changi too.

    Uncleawang, my spring cleaning is almost done and am now busy shopping at taking photos of our chinatown.

    I guess this CNY, I dont have much visiting to be done except to visit my siblings.

    The generation above me and hubby are all gone so we are now considered the elder and the young will come visiting us when they are married. :) Geez, now I sound so old cause I am considered the elder...hehehe. (Have not even reach the big five O yet)

  10. I love the way the boats are arranged. It looks like they're about to start a race..

  11. I like the clouds. Before they started clearing, they looked very "heavy."

  12. Love the clouds in the third picture.

  13. Nice series. It sure looked like rain was coming. I really like the 4th one.

  14. Your sky photographs are quite nice.

    Thanks for visiting my blogs.

    Abe Lincoln Blogs
    Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  15. Lovely skies - happy skywatch


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