Thursday, January 15, 2009

Changi Boardwalk Part 4

Continued from Part 3 of Changi Boardwalk.

Along the walk, we could see private clubs and they have their own private swimming pools but members still prefer to head to the beach and swim in the open sea.

I spotted these two dogs (I think they are golden retreiver), they are so obedient (note they are not leased), they dont run wild nor disturbed anyone on the beach/boardwalk and they just sat beside their owner. They are so beautiful.

These are sailing boats waiting for someone to take them to the sea.

I will featured them in my next post.

Please return tomorrow for the sailing boats in skywatch (sailing boats)

To be continued.....................


  1. I love the hot golden retrievers!

  2. Those golden retriever are beautiful, they are usually nice obedient dogs, I know they are often used as disabled or old people guardian, I have a Swiss friend whose job is breeding educating golden retrievers to be helpers and even healers, she goes to nursing home and hospital for people to be healed in the presence of dog, beautiful job, isn't it?

  3. Yes, those dogs are beautiful.

    Kitem, your friend has a great job.

  4. Great shots! Love the dog picture.

  5. I have a golden, there isn't a dog on earth that openly displays its love for you more deeply. That breed lives to give you whatever your heart desires!


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