Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Who lived in this little shell?

Continued from yesterday post, who lived in the shell?

No matter how we tried to coax the mysterious creature out, it does not show itself. So my brother told us to place the shell back in the sea water on the rock and it would appear by itself.

True enough the little guy decided to come out, it was a hermit crab.....:) Watch the short video how it crawl away from the rock.

My niece and nephews were so excited by our find and of course I am also very excited...hehehe...did you see the kid in me?

For those who guess it is a snail, you could be tricked by the hermit crab cause the hermit crab always borrowed someone's shell when it outgrown its old "borrowed" shell. That shell on its back must be a borrowed shell from a

We decided to let it leave it alone and let the hermit crab returned to the sea.


  1. Heehee!! I guessed it right :P
    Any prize??! *kidding*

  2. he lived to party for another day. He was cute as he emerged... I thought I got a glimpse of his face --he was looking around warily.

  3. Oh i am glad that you let it go, seems like he worked very hard to borrow some other creatures shell LOL

  4. Hahaha, elaine, is a baby crab and hermit crab same? Anyway sorry, no prizes, I dont have sponsor for the The only bonus you get was to watch the little video of the little guy. :)

  5. it was a very good idea finally. and of course happy end for everyone

  6. Great video - he did look a little comical as he scuttled off the rock!

  7. What a comical hermit crab, Alice! Thanks for sharing with us. Glad to be able to see your beach postings. The place and the creatures are nice isn't it.

  8. Thanks all for the nice comments.

    Koksheng, since I popped over at your blog, I am beginning to look for sea creatures whenever I happen to be at the beach:) You have a nice blog on sea creatures.

  9. Awww...what a cute little guy..

  10. hahaha... sometimes it's really nice to see the child in us. it helps us in many ways appreciate the simple things.

  11. Hi've been tagged by CC over at
    Come see...

  12. your beach photo and the video is just awesome and reminded me of the beach last weekend. great job.


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