Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sea creatures at the beach

My post for my world tuesday is about our beaches. Although Singapore is a shopping and food paradise, we too have beautiful nature around our little island too. You can view these beautiful natures in sea creatures blog, butterflies in Singapore, flowers in Singapore, and many more beautiful blogs with beautiful places of Singapore.

These rocks can be slippery so we need to be careful when we step on top of them. There are many little sea creatures hidden in these rocks.

On closer look, we found many snails in them.

There is this huge sea shell that I picked and gave to my little niece for her sea shell collection but my nephew pointed that someone lives in the shell....lol

Just to keep you all in suspense, you need to return to find out who lived in there...lol

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. that was a lovely visit to the beach. thank you.

  2. Are those snails? I love the beach. Thanks for reminding me of summer!

  3. Oh I love the beach. This beach reminds me of the rocky beaches on the Oregon coast.

    An Arkie's Musings

  4. A baby crab living inside that shell? :)
    It's kinda hard to plan a trip to the beach not knowing when it'll rain suddenly these days...

  5. Beautiful set of photos of the sea shell, so did you end up taking it home anyway after finding someone living in it?

  6. Lovely beach shots! I am longing to go to one of the beaches here soon.

  7. We have many beaches in Kuching but the see or enjoy the beautiful beach, we need to check-in as guest of the hotel.
    Singapore is the most cleanest city and the beach must be clean too.
    Thanks for sharing and also Thanks for visitng my Kuching..meow!!!!!

  8. Thanks for the nice comments. No, we did not bring it home cause someone lives in the shell...lol. It would be best that we return it to the sea cause bringing it home would kill it. You have to watch my short video to see why we have to return it to the sea. :)

  9. Glad to hear that you returned the shell - it was probably home to a crab or even to a more dangerous animal... some shells have poisonous creatures living inside them.

  10. Hi Alice, I wish I could be on the beach right now. No, not the weather, which is fine, the problem is always too much to do... ;))
    Blogtrotter is now at the Bardo Museum; some of the best Roman mosaics in the world! Enjoy and have a great week!

  11. It looks like you had a great day there. It's true that I've never associated Singapore with beaches.

  12. That's true people go to eat and shop in Singapore but when that's over, head on to the beach and spend some quiet moments watching the sun set in the horizon. Then go back to some shopping and eating :) That's the life, isn't it?

  13. A great trip to the beach and lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!

  14. I just love beach life, crabs, seashells, and having fun under the sun!

  15. i use to collect shells too. in fact when i was in boracay i did brought home some.

  16. i just love the beach and the sea critters...thank you for sharing.
    enjoyed your post.


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