Friday, August 1, 2008

Skywatch-Fighter Planes

Hahaha....I caught these fighter planes as they were on display for National Day Preview last Saturday.

Sorry for the small image of these planes, they were too fast for me. I could not find time to zoom on them. Was lucky that I caught them on You have to click on them to enlarge.
Now I am satisfied with these photos but hope to be standby mode on the actual day of National Day on 9th August 2008 to zoom on these planes if I am lucky

Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's skywatch blog.


  1. Nice capture of them even though they're small images.
    They fly past my house too during rehearsal and on the actual day. But I never can get fast enough to grab and shoot them. They really whizz past before I can react! *lol*

    Have a good weekend too!!

  2. These pics are fascinating! Not often do I get the opportunity to even see this much!

  3. Cool photos. I can feel the speed of the plane in the first photo!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. I think you got a great shot of them.

  5. Happy Sky Watch & Theme Day! You photos match both events!

    Wish you a great weekend ahead!

  6. Great photos of speed.
    Happy Theme Day!

  7. Nice photo for SWF..I don't know how you were able to catch the planes at all...

  8. Thanks for the nice comments. Hahaha... I am surprised myself too for being able to catch the planes. They are real fast. I just snap in a hurried too without any chance to zoom on

  9. Alice, we're on the same wavelength!

  10. cool catch for SWF!! Mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy weekend

  11. Hi Alice! TGIF and I’m trying to make a break from some hectic weeks to surf the blogosphere and enjoy your excellent blog…
    Loved to see your sky; probably the first time I managed to see it so blue (cloudy blue, ok) in Singapore... ;))
    The market series is quite nice, Another shopping destination in Singapore!
    Many thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, still at the MoMA! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great weekend and a nice holiday, in case you have the chance to profit from it! ;))

  12. I bet those guys were hard to capture!

  13. great capture!!!i know how fast they are, it's hard to take photos of! what is national day for?

  14. Excellent Sky Watch as always my friend..


    Forgive this part of my comment as this is done by Copy & Paste.. but with over 300 to visit and check I am sure you will understand...
    May I thank you on behalf of the Sky Watch team for your post this week and for helping to make Sky Watch special.
    Tom :O)

  15. Hi. My dog Reba and I both like your photo! Seems you were watching the sky at the right time.

    We have both posted our 1st SWF posts. You will find them here:

    Alice at: I Was Born2Cree8
    My 1st SWF post is here: Sky Watch Friday

    Reba’s dog blog: Reba’s Run
    Reba’s 1st SWF post here: Sky Watch Friday

  16. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Zak, sorry for replying late, national day meant it is Singapore's birthday. She will be 43 this year since gaining independence in 1965.


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