Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kreta Ayer Wet Market - Part 3 (Fish Stalls)

The guy behind this fish stall is giving the look that he dislike me taking photo...hehehe. Glad that I did not took photo of the fishes at his or maybe he is jealous I did not take photo of his stall...hahaha

Fishes like the above are going cheap at 11.30 am almost closing time. The fish vendor would chop the large fish into smaller pieces (about 300 to 400 gm) and sold them for about $5 and cheaper if you buy more.

Each plate of the above fishes (numbered about 5 to 6) cost only $4.
Prawns can go for about $6 to $7 per kg.
More photos of the stalls in the wet market coming up tomorrow.....


  1. These wet market sells fishes definitely sells fresher fish than those sold at NTUC :P Somehow I always get this feeling of been "chop" when I buy fish at the market. Tell me how much I pay, go home tell The Man how much, his eyes pop out! *lol*

    Happy Weekend!!

  2. i know what it feels like to be taking pictures at a market (or in a department store), i always get those looks too!! i love fish and i think this is the place i would have to hang out all the time if i lived in singapore. they look so fresh too! yummy :^)

  3. Napaboaniya, yes fishes seems to be more expensive in the other markets. I too prefer buying fishes from the wet market.

    Zak, yes, sometimes I would feel shy especially in restaurant taking photos of

  4. This is Jim, sitemeter is the problem. Google sitemeter down I had to change the code;

  5. This is Jim, sitemeter is the problem. Google sitemeter down I had to change the code;

  6. Thank you Jim. I would have to remove the sitemeter temporary.


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