Saturday, April 12, 2008

SKI360° in East Coast Park

This is Singapore’s first cable ski facility, SKI360°, in East Coast Park.

The rider would waited for a rope to taut and drag him across the sea.
When he fall, he had to grab his board and walked back to the starting point and started all over again.


  1. This looks such fun!!! But I'm way to old to do it.

  2. I've never seen this before.. I sit and watch with Jules.. and try not to giggle when poeple fall..

    Tom :O)

  3. Yes, it does look like fun.

    I had not heard of cable skiing, but have researched it and found out there are at least 140 parks in the world; and we have two in Australia in Queensland.

  4. that looks so much fun! i would probably be falling hundreds of times though!

  5. I have never heard if a cable ski facility before.... What a great idea!

  6. i went there once at nite. it's so interesting eh? but i am a bit scared scared to try it. hehe..

  7. Glad that the information and photos are useful to you all. I will go cycling in the nearby park instead. :)

  8. It seems to be quite amusing!


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