Friday, January 4, 2008

Singapore Botanic Garden

Singapore Botanic Garden has a very long history. You can view them at

This is the main gate of Singapore Botanic Garden and known as Tanglin Gate. This is not a black and white photo, the gate is grey and if you look closely at the tree behind, you can see the green leaves. The gate is very interesting with all the designs.

So what lies behind these beautiful gates. You need to follow my posts closely for the next few days to view them. I hope you will be fascinated by them.

Closer look at the designs of the gate.

The botanic garden is so big that I could only cover about half the garden. The garden is divided into the Tanglin Core, Central Core and Bukit Timah Core.

When the rain came, I had to leave without visiting the Evolution Garden. I guess I will visit the other half of the garden on another visit. Anyway, I was so tired and could not continue walking I really enjoyed myself taking photos of the garden and the beautiful flowers.

So you all could guess by now what my next few posts will be about by looking at the above signboard. :)


  1. That is a most amazing gate. Very beautiful.

  2. haha - we never got any further into the gardens than the cafe where we had ice-cream and then caught the next Singapore Stopover bus back to the city!

  3. Hahaha Ack, yup the weather is a killer. I took many photos of the orchids and will post in my flower blog when I check out the names of the flowers as I am not familar with the names. :)

  4. THANK YOU !
    this is my favorite place in singapore no question about it . i discovered it step by step starting from tanglin . in the beginning they were still working at that part and the gate is quite recent but they did a good job . ahhhh , i miss it so much ... hahaha


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