Finally, I collected my Tokens after queuing for one hour. It is the latest big thing in Singapore.
The token is a physical device that exchanges bluetooth signals with other trace together tokens or trace together mobile apps nearby, to aid digital contact tracing efforts due to the Covid Pandemic.
The token was originally meant for people without smart phone or wifi but many would like to have the tokens as the apps might drain the phone battery.
From next year, we need to have the tokens to be able to enter huge venues like cinema, malls, buildings, etc
We will be entering Phase 3 on December 28, means we can now gather in groups of 8 instead of 5 but masks is still mandatory.
Public venues such as museums are currently open but subject to a capacity limit, while events like wedding receptions can be held in two zones of 50 persons. In Phase Three, these capacity limits could be increased, with events having multiple zones of 50 persons. (Source)
The queue at a local community club to collect the tokens.
I managed to have the latest design of the token which is slimmer and can fit into my key pouch.
My friends had the earlier design which is thicker.
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