Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chinese New Year 2015 Getai in Chinatown Singapore

During this Chinese New Year, almost every weekend, there were be a getai(Stage performance) in Kreta Ayer Square in Chinatown, Singapore.

Videos of the Getai/Performance, very entertaining. The above performance in mandarin. The above performance in Hokkien. The above performance in cantonese by a well known former TV actress. The below two videos taken by my hubby, hahaha his first time using his iphone to video, he should take a front view of the singer. What a waste, the singer was wearing very glamourous costume.

The above performance was a very famous cantonese opera song.

Another famous song by the singer. For photos on other parts of the world, please visit Our World Tuesday Meme. Thanks to the team of Our World for giving us the opportunity to share my world with the rest of the world.


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