Wednesday, September 24, 2014

River Taxi along Singapore River

I was in Raffles Place vicinity and chanced upon this River Taxi. Instead of taking the taxi on the road from Raffles Place to Central Mall, we decided to take the river taxi. It was a great experience, I knew of this service but kinda of forgot about it till I saw the Kiosk.

It was only S$3 regardless of where you alight. Payment could be in cash or by our EZ Link Card (which we used to take the MRT and/or bus). If the kiosk is empty, it could only mean the staff was away on toilet break, etc, just wait for her to return.

The river taxi dont seem popular so the boat only comes when the staff use the walkie talkie to get the driver to cruise over to our stop, we dont have to wait for a long time cause the boat was nearby.

Was so much fun, there's only two of us in the boat, kinda like we have our own private boat hahaha.

Central Mall was only 3 stops away, the ride was too short, the next time I would like to go to the end of the route to enjoy the nice cruise.

Short video on the beautiful scenery taken from the boat.

You can visit the official website of Singapore River Cruise for more details of the river taxi and their other cruises.

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