Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sentosa Flower Show 2012 - Spring Melodies

This part of the flower show was known as Spring Melodies.

The bird was decorated with many different colours and types of flowers.

These tulips were so beautiful. They were not planted here in Sentosa, Singapore but was imported from other countries and planted on Sentosa for the flower show.

Did you spot the bee (circled) in the above photo?


  1. Oh Alice, I missed seeing the tulips! Thanks for posting them in your blog. I just uploaded my photos of the flower show. do check them out. You must have had a great time with your family during Chinese New Year. Once again, wishing you all things wonderful - good health, prosperity and lots of lovely holidys, makan, shopping and photos!

  2. Gong Xi Fa Cai Mable, Thanks for all the good wishes. :) Yes Chinese New Year happiest time in our family, we had a great time siblings and family all together. The tulips are really very pretty.


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