Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sculpture at Marina Bay Financial Centre

Spotted this pair of buffaloes at the Marina Bay Financial Centre (where all the tall blue buildings were)

The pair of water buffaloes at the Marina Bay Financial Centre Ground Plaza is the work of renowned British sculptor and animalier, Dame Elisabeth Frink. Commissioned by Hongkong Land in the late 1980s, they were displayed at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Britain for over two decades before being shipped to Singapore in 2010. The symbol of industriousness and endurance in many Asian cultures, water buffaloes have traditionally formed the backbone of many agricultural societies. The pair standing here form a symbolic bridge between Singapore’s past, present and future – as a tribute to our forefathers whose hard work lay the foundation for our global port city, and as an inspiration to future generations of the enduring values it was built on.

Nearby was a very beautiful huge christmas tree.

Nice to work here with a great view of sea. Will post more photos of the surrounding buildings soon.

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