Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Elephants Parade at Marina Bay

Saw these cute and pretty elephants in Marina Bay. They were part of the elephants parade now exhibit in Singapore. They each have a name. You can view more information about the elephants from its official website

I think I like this DONT FORGET elephant. As I grow older, am not wiser but more forgetful hahaha.

For photos on other parts of the world, please visit Our World Tuesday Meme. Thanks to the team of Our World for giving us the opportunity to share my world with the rest of the world.


  1. Wow! these tiny elephants are really cute.

  2. That is quite a variety of elephants!

  3. wow they are so wonderful! we had a parade like this with bears :)

  4. when i read the title of the post i quickly clicked it as i was excited to see elephants in singapore... then comes those colorful ones. nice.


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