Friday, September 23, 2011

Pulau Ubin - Jetty

The rain spoilt our plan to continue our walk on Pulau Ubin. Since our group consists of senior folks, we decided to go back and come back another day.

Headed to the jetty where all the bum boats are. Same thing as when we arrived, they needed 12 passengers to depart from the island. But it is no problem, being a weekend, the boat soon filled in no time.

The sky is very gloomy although the rain had finally stop.

Once in the boat, the rain fell heavily again.

A view of the end of the boat, looked as if the boat is almost same level as the sea.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch Blog.


  1. I like that gloomy shot out of the stern of the boat!


    Sky above, sky aglow,
    Sky of rain and sky of snow;
    Sky of hail, sky of sleet,
    Sky cavorting o’er the street;
    Sky of black, sky of blue,
    In all seasons I love you!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Sky in a Puddle

  2. Love the view of the sky overlooking the water. Happy Sky Watch.

  3. Unfortunate you have to cut your travel. Wonderful shots.

  4. So amazing when the sea and sky blur together! Hope it stops raining for the weekend!

  5. Calling by as another Skywatch Friday contributor. Your entry is very atmospheric with the view from the stern of the ferry.

  6. Very nice post on Pulau Ubin Alice. It brings back such good memories of the trips I had made there with my family and friends. The food photos were so enticing. Ubin here I come heh heh.
    Thanks for your comments on my blogs. They really warm my heart. Have a good week ahead Alice!

  7. Yup, Mable. I am going back to Ubin for the seafood hahaha. :)

  8. the rain has spoiled many of my travels that's why i travel less during the rainy season.

    but good for you that you dont have typhoon.


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