Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Walk along Balestier Road - Traditional Shops that still surviving

As I continued my walk along Balestier Road, at the junction of Balestier Road and Whampoa is this very old traditional bakery shop. I used to stay near Whampoa during my childhood so I can relate to this old bakery shop. Mom used to buy freshly baked bread from this bakery.

They are still around and still using the traditional oven to bake these bread. When I was there around 1 pm, there were people queueing to buy the bread that just come out of the oven. Of course I bought some too. :)

Sing Hon Loong Bakery (4 Whampoa Drive)

I asked permission from the owner to take photos of the freshly baked bread.

Bread cutting machine

Lam Yeo Coffee Powder, 328 Balestier Road

Another old shop still around is the shop selling coffee powder along Balestier Road. As it was a Sunday, it was closed. I only could take photo of the coffee powder from a small gap from the main gate, lucky they did not pull the shutters down lol. I can still remember the smell from the coffee powder that mom used to come and buy from this shop.

The above two shops has a history of more than 50 years as old as me hahaha.

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  1. I did not visit the famous Sun Yat Sen Villa during my walk along Balestier Road as it was closed for restoration and only open in October, will post photos when I visit it after the restoration.

  2. Great shots of the bakery. People prefer old bakery when compared to new.

  3. when I was young, I like this kind of bread, just with butter churn butter.

  4. Unique topic for the post. If I am ever there I too will pick up fresh breads from here. :)

  5. ah, the aroma of freshly baked bread! it's good to see familiar places from childhood.

  6. i love the old shops in arab street but not sure though if they are really old or they just maintained the old features of the structure.

  7. Dong Ho, those shophouses in Arab Street are really very old but they are being restored and the shops wont be demolished, they are preserved. You can see my posts on those shops in the following link.



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